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Home » Spring Boot In Eclipse | Spring Tools 4: The New Generation On The Horizon

Spring Boot In Eclipse | Spring Tools 4: The New Generation On The Horizon

How to Install Spring Boot in Eclipse | Spring Tool Suite| Updated 2022

Spring is everywhere

Spring is everywhere. It is at the heart of most modern business applications, in the center of modern cloud-based microservice applications, and used by millions of developers around the globe. And Spring Boot is at the heart of the current renaissance of Spring, making it easy, convenient, and extremely efficient to implement applications and services on top of Java.


You can install the Spring Tools for Eclipse IDE into an existing Eclipse installation using the Eclipse Marketplace. Just open the marketplace client in Eclipse, search for Spring Tools and install the “Spring Tools (aka Spring IDE and Spring Tool Suite)” entry.

In case you prefer to use a ready-to-use distribution, you can go to and download the Spring Tool Suite distribution, which is a full Eclipse distribution (based on the latest Eclipse release) with Spring Tools pre-installed.

How to Install Spring Boot in Eclipse | Spring Tool Suite| Updated 2022
How to Install Spring Boot in Eclipse | Spring Tool Suite| Updated 2022

Code chương trình đơn giản

Phần này mình sẽ hướng dẫn tạo một web trả về HTML đơn giản khi người dùng truy cập.

B1. Tạo Controller đơn giản

Controller là thành phần đầu tiên để bắt URL người dùng truy cập. Ví dụ bạn vào trang chủ của web, thì controller method có mapping tới URL / sẽ được gọi.

Các bạn chuột phải vào entry bên trái có tên là

, chọn New > Java class. Đặt tên là


và gõ code sau vào.

package com.example.demo; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; @Controller // Chỉ định HomeController là Controller public class HomeController { // Khi user truy cập vào endpoint / thì homepage() được gọi @GetMapping("/") public String homepage() { return "index"; // Trả về trang index.html } // Có thể mapping thêm các endpoint khác nữa... }

Web này khá đơn giản, chỉ có 1 endpoint là / (trang chủ). Spring Boot sử dụng các


để chỉ định ý nghĩa một số thành phần trong code, theo mình nó khá là hay và giúp code dễ hiểu hơn.

B2. Tạo trang HTML để trả về

Như trên chúng ta có


, khi truy cập vào sẽ trả về trang


. Các bạn chuột phải vào thư mục


, chọn

New > HTML file

và gõ tên



Nếu bạn chưa biết HTML thì hãy gõ theo như sau, còn biết rồi thì có thể tự do custom tùy ý.

<br /> Spring Boot web<br />

Hello World!

Bước này các bạn cần chú ý phải cài thư viện Thymeleaf nhé nếu không nó không nhận đâu.

B3. Chạy và xem kết quả

Nhấn nút màu xanh ở trên cùng bên phải IDE để chạy chương trình. Việc khởi động tùy vào kích thước dự án, nếu project trống thì sẽ khởi động rất nhanh.

Do bạn chưa cấu hình port cho web, nên mặc định Spring Boot sẽ lấy port 8080 để chạy, hoặc port trống khác trên máy bạn. Có thể xem trong console của IDE là web đang chạy port nào (dòng

Tomcat started on port(s): 8080


Sau đó mở trình duyệt và truy cập


hoặc thay bằng port của bạn. Kết quả là đây.

Running the Application with Maven

To run the application in an embedded web server, you need to create a run configuration, a shortcut to run a task in Eclipse, in this case a Maven goal.


Debugging Spring Boot applications

When you run a Spring Boot application with Maven, it’s executed in a separate process. Therefore you can’t run it in debug mode.

You can create such a run configuration as follows:

  • Right-click the project in the Project Explorer view.

  • Select


  • In the Edit Configuration window, for Goals enter the goals to run.

    Technology Stack Embedded Server Goal to Run

    Spring Boot


    CDI / Java EE

    Apache TomEE


    Plain Java



    Optionally, you can also give the run configuration a new name.

  • Click Run to save the new configuration and execute it.

    You should see the Console view with the log generated by the application and the server.

  • You can now open the web application in a browser at localhost:8080.

  • If you modify and save any of the project Java source files, they are compiled and the server redeploys the application, so you should see the modified behavior by reloading the page.

    You can also enable Live Reload to have the page refreshed automatically.

  • To stop the server, click the Terminate icon in the Console view:

When the run configuration has been created, you can deploy and run the web application. You do this by clicking the Run (or Debug) icon in the toolbar and selecting the corresponding run or debug configuration:

Huóng dẫn cài đặt và cấu hình Spring Boot với Eclipse IDE
Huóng dẫn cài đặt và cấu hình Spring Boot với Eclipse IDE

Introduction to Maven

Defining what Maven does is very difficult. To help explain, let’s consider some of the things that a developer does every day…

  • Manages dependencies

    • Web layer (Spring MVC)
    • Data layer (JPA, Hibernate)
  • Build a JAR or a WAR or an EAR
  • Run the application locally
  • Deploy to a T environment
  • Add new dependencies to a project
  • Run unit tests
  • Generate projects
  • Create Eclipse Workspace

Maven helps us do all of this and more!

Naming a Project

How can other projects use our project? By using our project




. We give a name to the project in the


, as shown below:



Declaring Dependencies

Dependencies are frameworks that you need in order to develop your project. In the example below, we add two dependencies:






Spring Tools for Eclipse IDE

To make it even easier to write modern Spring Boot applications, the latest generation of the Spring Tools for the Eclipse IDE are well suited for getting started with Spring Boot and working on large microservice applications that are based on Spring Boot. This article walks you through the most important features of the tooling and provides great insight into a number of tips and tricks along the way.

Học lập trình java spring boot - Tạo project spring boot 1.5.x viết api web service sử dụng eclipse
Học lập trình java spring boot – Tạo project spring boot 1.5.x viết api web service sử dụng eclipse

Working with properties

Spring Boot does a lot of things automatically for you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t customize this default behavior. One way to customize the behavior is in code, the other one is by using properties. And Spring Boot offers a huge number of properties.

Assuming you want to define the port your Spring Boot app is running on. Just open the “” or “application.yml” file (depending on whether you prefer property or YAML format for your config files) and go. The Spring Tools for Eclipse IDE provide an enhanced editor experience that offers code completion for all the available Spring Boot properties.

Beyond the code completion, which offers a full list of properties together with documentation hints and types of those properties, the editor also checks keys and values for correctness. If, for example, a property is unknown, it will let you know via a warning. If the value that you put in doesn’t match the type of the property, an error will appear.

Spring is everywhere

Spring is everywhere. It is at the heart of most modern business applications, in the center of modern cloud-based microservice applications, and used by millions of developers around the globe. And Spring Boot is at the heart of the current renaissance of Spring, making it easy, convenient, and extremely efficient to implement applications and services on top of Java.

Create a Spring boot project in Eclipse IDE easy and fast | Spring Boot Tutorial Part 1.
Create a Spring boot project in Eclipse IDE easy and fast | Spring Boot Tutorial Part 1.

Chạy chương trình

4.Chạy trong IDE

Phần này khỏi nói đi ha, quá cơ bản rồi. Chỉ cần nhấn một trong hai nút màu xanh ở trên bên phải là được

4.Build thành file JAR

Để build thành file JAR, cần chạy các task tương ứng với package manager đã chọn. Nếu project dùng Maven cần chạy task jar, còn Gradle thì là bootJar.

Sau khi đợi một lúc thì Maven hoặc Gradle sẽ build ra thư mục chứa các file class và JAR:

  • Maven là thư mục target, ngay bên trong có file JAR luôn
  • Gradle là thư mục build, file JAR nằm bên trong thư mục con libs

4.Chạy file JAR

Sau khi đã có file JAR, các bạn dùng command sau để chạy. Quá trình chạy diễn ra tương tự khi Run trong IDE.

java -jar ABC.jar

File JAR này có thể chạy ở mọi nơi chạy được java, trên máy bạn hoặc server đều chạy giống nhau. Lý do bởi vì bên trong file JAR đã được nhúng sẵn server Tomcat luôn rồi.

All rights reserved

Spring Tools for Eclipse IDE

Series Spring Core:

  1. Spring Core – Phần 1: Spring IoC , Inversion of Control trong Spring
  2. Spring Core – Phần 2: Spring Bean, Các scope trong Spring, Spring Bean Scope
  3. Spring Core – Phần 3: Spring Dependency Injection, DI trong Spring, so sánh CI – SI
  4. Spring Core – Phần 4: Spring Dependency Injection với Object, Collections, Map
  5. Spring Core – Phần 5: Spring AOP là gì? code ví dụ với Spring AOP
  6. Spring Core – Phần 6: AspectJ là gì? Spring AOP + AspectJ ví dụ với AspectJ
  7. Spring Core: Phần 7 – Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, lấy dữ liệu từ file properties
  8. Spring Core – Phần 8: Autowiring trong Spring, annotation @Autowired trong Spring, các kiểu autowiring
  9. Spring Core – Phần 9: Spring Auto Component Scanning, Các annotation hay dùng trong Spring
  10. Code ví dụ Spring đọc file từ resource folder (resources)
  11. Code ví dụ gửi email – gmail với Spring
How to Run Spring Boot project in Eclipse IDE for absolute beginners
How to Run Spring Boot project in Eclipse IDE for absolute beginners

Maven Build Lifecycle

When we run

mvn clean install

, we are executing the complete Maven build lifecycle. This lifecycle is a sequence of the following steps:

  • Validate
  • Compile
  • Test
  • Package
  • Integration test
  • Verify
  • Install
  • Deploy

Maven follows convention over configuration.

The predefined folder structure looks like this:

  • Source code

    • ${basedir}/src/main/java

    • ${basedir}/src/main/resources
  • Test code

Creating Spring Boot projects from scratch

The most famous way to create new Spring Boot projects is to go to and choose which Spring starter modules you wanna use. Once you do that, you can download a ZIP file of your new project and import that into your development environment.

The Spring Tools for Eclipse IDE come with a direct integration of that into your Eclipse IDE. Go to “File”, select “New” and choose the “Spring → Spring Starter Project”. The wizard lets you choose the Spring Initializr endpoint you would like to use (in case you have a custom one running within your company, for example) and then lets you select a boot version and offers all the Spring Boot starter modules that are around for that boot version. Just choose the ones that match your interest and click “Finish”. You end up with a ready-to-use Spring Boot project in your workspace – in just a few seconds.

Khóa học Java Spring Boot 2021 trong 2 giờ
Khóa học Java Spring Boot 2021 trong 2 giờ

Spring Tools for Eclipse IDE

To make it even easier to write modern Spring Boot applications, the latest generation of the Spring Tools for the Eclipse IDE are well suited for getting started with Spring Boot and working on large microservice applications that are based on Spring Boot. This article walks you through the most important features of the tooling and provides great insight into a number of tips and tricks along the way.

How Does Maven Work?

A Maven repository contains all the JARs indexed by artifact ID and group ID. Once we add a dependency to our


, Maven asks the Maven repository for the JAR dependencies, giving group ID and the artifact ID as the input.

The JAR dependencies are stored on your machine in a folder called

maven local repository

. All our projects refer to the JARs from here.

Note: A local repository is a temp folder on your machine where Maven stores the JAR and dependency files that are downloaded from the Maven repository.

Important Maven Commands

  • mvn -version

    : Finds the Maven version

  • mvn compile

    : Compiles source files

  • mvn test-compile

    : Compiles test files as well as source files

  • mvn clean

    : Deletes target directory

  • mvn test

    : Runs unit tests

  • mvn package

    : Creates a JAR for the project

  • help:effective-settings

    : Debugs Maven settings

  • help:effective-pom

    : Look at the complete pom after all inheritances from parent poms are resolved

  • dependency:tree

    : Look sat all the dependencies and transitive dependencies

  • dependency:sources

    : Downloads source code for all dependencies

  • -debug

    : Debug flag; can be used with all the above commands
Building Simple Spring Boot REST API in 3 Minutes | Eclipse | Quick Beginner Guide
Building Simple Spring Boot REST API in 3 Minutes | Eclipse | Quick Beginner Guide

Cài đặt Spring Tool Suite Cho Eclipse.

Các bạn cũng có thể download sẵn bản IDE Spring Tool Suite base trên Eclipse tại:

Nó có sẵn các phiên bản cho Window, Linux hay Mac

Ở đây mình sẽ cài Spring tool suite vào eclipse, bản Eclipse mình sử dụng là Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)

– Truy cập Eclipse Marketplace

– Gõ sts hoặc Spring tool để tìm kiếm Spring Tool > Click Install

– Chọn Confirm

– Chọn Accept > Finish

– Hiển thị các tính năng của Spring: Window > Perspect > Open Perspect > Other > Spring

– Sau khi chọn hiển thị, các bạn sẽ thấy biểu tượng Spring ở góc phải của Eclipse

Spring Tools 4 for Visual Studio Code

Free. Open source.

Spring Tools 4

Free. Open source.

Spring Tools 4

The all-new Spring Tool Suite 4. Free. Open source.

4.21.1 – Linux x86_644.21.1 – Linux ARM_644.21.1 – macOS x86_644.21.1 – macOS ARM_644.21.1 – Windows x86_64

Free. Open source.

Spring Tools 4

Tailored for developing enterprise applications using Spring Framework and Spring Boot, the new generation of Spring Tools provides world-class development support for your Spring applications. Our tools have deep knowledge of Spring built in.

The all-new Spring Tools can be used in various coding environments, ranging from Eclipse as a full-featured integrated development environment to Visual Studio Code and Theia as lightweight code editors. Continue to use your preferred environment and add great Spring tooling to it.

The new generation of Spring Tools is largely built from scratch, incorporating modern technologies and developer tooling architectures. It runs in separate processes, is built with performance in mind from the start, and knows about the latest Spring technologies.

Spring Tool Suite 4 makes it easy to get started. A direct and easy-to-use integration of the Spring Initializr and the famous Spring Guides allows you to go from nothing to a running Spring Boot app in seconds.

Understanding and quickly navigating source code is essential for coding. The new Spring Tools 4 understands your Spring-based source code and allows you to quickly get an overview and navigate to the important pieces of your Spring apps. Finding Spring elements and navigating to them has never been easier.

Code completion is a critical part of working with source code. The all-new Spring Tools 4 provides smart code completions for the Spring elements in your app.

Spring Tools 4 now bridges the gap between your source code and running Spring Boot applications. By taking advantage of the Spring Boot Actuators, we enriched the source code with detailed information from the running app (e.g., exact bean wiring information, conditional reports, configuration, details, and more).

Version 3 of the Spring Tool Suite is no longer under active development and does not receive any maintenance updates anymore. The last and final release can be found on the Spring Tool Suite 3 wiki, alongside details of how to upgrade to Spring Tools 4.

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Travis Boylls. Travis Boylls is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Travis has experience writing technology-related articles, providing software customer service, and in graphic design. He specializes in Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux platforms. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College.
This article has been viewed 42,511 times.Learn more…

Java Spring Framework is an open-source framework that is used for creating enterprise-grade, stand-alone applications that run on the Java Virtual Machine. As useful as it is, Java Spring Framework takes a lot of time and knowledge to set up, and deploy. Spring Boot makes this process easier using autoconfiguration, and an opinionated approach that allows Spring Boot to decide which dependencies and packages are right for your project. Spring Boot helps developers that run on their own without relying on an external web server.[1] X Research source On Eclipse, Spring Boot is referred to as Spring Tools Suite. This wikiHow article teaches you how to install Spring Tools Suite.

Creating Spring Boot Projects With Eclipse and Maven

There are three options to create Spring Boot Projects with Eclipse and Maven

  1. Spring Initializr
  2. Use STS or STS Eclipse Plugin and create a Spring Boot Maven project directly from Eclipse
  3. Manually create a Maven project and add Spring Boot starter dependencies

We will use a Spring Boot Starter Web as an example.

Option 1: Bootstrap Spring Boot Project With Spring Initializr

Creating a web application with Spring Initializr is a cake walk. We will use Spring Web MVC as our web framework. Spring Initializr is a great tool to bootstrap your Spring Boot projects.

As shown in the image above, following steps have to be done:

  • Launch Spring Initializr and choose the following

    • Choose


      as Group
    • Choose


      as Artifact
    • Choose from the following dependencies:

      • Web
      • Actuator
      • DevTools
  • Choose
  • Click Generate Project.

This would download a ZIP file to your local machine. Unzip the zip file and extract to a folder. In Eclipse, Click File > Import > Existing Maven Project as shown below.

Navigate or type in the path of the folder where you extracted the ZIP file on the next screen.

Once you click Finish, Maven will take some time to download all the dependencies and initialize the project.

That’s it. Your first Spring project is ready!

Follow these links to understand more about the project that we created:

Option 2: Use STS or STS Eclipse Plugin to Create Spring Boot Maven Project

With the Spring tool suite, you can directly create a Spring Boot project from Eclipse. You should either download the complete installation of STS or you can install the STS Eclipse plugin. This link provides the complete download of STS as well as the update sites for the STS Eclipse Plugin.

In Eclipse/STS, start with File > New > Spring Starter Project. In the next screen, you can choose the following for your project:

  • Group ID

  • Artifact ID

  • Root package

  • Version

  • Description

  • Java version

  • Language

  • Packaging

Make sure you choose Maven as Type.

In the next screen, you can choose the dependencies that you want to add to your Spring Boot project.

Once you click Finish, Maven will take some time to download all the dependencies and initialize the project.

Now your Spring project is ready!

Option 3: Manually Create a Maven Spring Boot Project

The last option is to create the project manually.

In Eclipse, start with File > New > MavenProject.

Choose Create a simple project, as shown in the screenshot below:

In the next screen, provide these details for your project and click Finish.

  • Group ID

  • Artifact ID

  • Version

This would create a basic Maven project with zero dependencies. Next, add in the appropriate Spring Boot starters into the











Starter Web is used for developing Spring Boot Web applications or RESTful services. Starter Test provides unit testing and integration test capabilities with Spring Test, Mockito, and JUnit.

One this we are missing is the version for these dependencies. We will add a Spring Boot starter parent as the parent pom in the






Let’s configure the Java version to use 1.8:


The next step is to create a Spring Boot application class that will be the launching point of the web application.



package com.in28minutes.springboot.tutorial; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; @SpringBootApplication public class SpringBootWebApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }

All you need to do is add


and use the

static method to launch the Spring application context.

When you launch this class as a Java application, you will see that an embedded Tomcat server launches and you are ready to add features to this application.

Spring Boot Simple Project step by step using Mysql Database
Spring Boot Simple Project step by step using Mysql Database

Introduction to Maven

Q : Why Maven?

You do not want to keep all of your libraries in your project!

You want to tell the tool that I require A, B, and C, and you want it to download the libraries and make them accessible to you.

Maven is the name. The application that you use to manage your libraries.

Whenever you require a new version of the library, simply change the version number and your project is complete!

You also don’t have to worry about which libraries your library need to function. Spring, for example, may require additional libraries like as logging, xml, and so on.

When you declare Spring as a dependency, Maven will download it.

  • Spring
  • And all dependencies of Spring

Isn’t that cool?

Running a Spring Boot Project

If you are developing a Spring Boot project, such as one created with Vaadin Start, Spring Boot makes it easier to run a Java web application, because it takes care of starting and configuring the server.

To run your application, all you need to do is to run the Application class that contains the


method that starts Spring Boot. Eclipse automatically detects that you have such a class with a


method and lets you run it.

To start your application, you can do any of the following:

  • Click Run Application (the “play” icon) in the toolbar.

  • Select

    in the menu.

  • Press Ctrl+F11.

  • Select the

    in the Project Explorer, right-click, and select “Run As → Java Application”.

The first time you start a Vaadin application, it downloads frontend dependencies and builds a JavaScript bundle. This can take several minutes, depending on your computer and internet speed.

You’ll know that your application has started when you see the following output in the console:

Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path '' Started Application in 80.189 seconds (JVM running for 83.42)

You can now open the web application in a browser at localhost:8080.

Spring Framework: A Tutorial for Beginners | in28minutes | Ranga Karanam
Spring Framework: A Tutorial for Beginners | in28minutes | Ranga Karanam

Deploying to Cloud Foundry

Last, but not least, the Spring Boot Dashboard provides a direct integration with Cloud Foundry runtimes. In the same way as your local boot apps, a Cloud Foundry section in your dashboard will list the deployed and running apps, allows you to start and stop them. It also offers you to deploy your project via drag&drop to the Cloud Foundry instance and even debug a running app on Cloud Foundry.

Big Picture of Maven

It is tough to define what Maven accomplishes.

Every day, Developer undertakes a variety of tasks.

  • Manages Dependencies

    • Web Layer (Spring MVC)
    • Data Layer (JPA – Hibernate) etc.
  • Build a jar or a war or an ear
  • Run the application locally

    • Tomcat or Jetty
  • Deploy to a T environment
  • Add new dependencies to a project
  • Run Unit Tests
  • Generate Projects
  • Create Eclipse or IntelliJ Workspace

Maven helps us do all these and more…

Naming a project

Dependencies are specified in your



Maven would fetch the dependencies and include them in your project.

Yet, how does Maven know which dependencies to download?

You must explain it by providing specifics about the dependency.

A maven artefact may be identified by a GroupId and an ArtifactId, much way a Java class can be identified by a class name and a package name.



Declaring Dependencies

Dependencies are frameworks required to construct your project.

In the example below we are adding two dependencies.






Maven Build Life Cycle

When we execute “mvn clean install,” we finish the whole maven build life cycle.

LifeCycle construction is a series of phases.

  • Validate
  • Compile
  • Test
  • Package
  • Integration Test
  • Verify
  • Install
  • Deploy

Maven follows Convention over Configuration.

Pre defined folder structure

  • Source Code

    • ${basedir}/src/main/java
    • ${basedir}/src/main/resources
  • Test Code

    • ${basedir}/src/test

How does Maven Work?

All jars in the Maven Repository are indexed by artefact id and group id.

When we add a dependence to our


, maven queries the maven repository for jar dependencies, using the group id and artefact id as input.

  • Maven repository stores all the versions of all dependencies. JUnit 4.2,4.3,4.4

The jar dependencies are saved on your system in the maven local repository folder. All of our projects would make use of the jars in the maven local repository.

Local Repository : a temp folder on your machine where maven stores the jar and dependency files that are downloaded from Maven Repository.

Important Maven Commands

  • mvn –version -> Find the maven version
  • mvn compile -> compiles source files
  • mvn test-compile -> compiles test files – one thing to observe is this also compiles source files
  • mvn clean -> deletes target directory
  • mvn test -> run unit tests
  • mvn package -> creates a jar for the project
  • help:effective-settings -> Debug Maven Settings
  • help:effective-pom -> Look at the complete pom after all inheritances from parent poms are resolved
  • dependency:tree -> Look at all the dependencies and transitive dependencies
  • dependency:sources -> Download source code for all dependencies
  • –debug -> Debug flag. Can be used with all the above commands
Apache Camel Framework Tutorial with Spring Boot, Eclipse and Maven
Apache Camel Framework Tutorial with Spring Boot, Eclipse and Maven

Creating Spring Boot projects from scratch

The most famous way to create new Spring Boot projects is to go to and choose which Spring starter modules you wanna use. Once you do that, you can download a ZIP file of your new project and import that into your development environment.

The Spring Tools for Eclipse IDE come with a direct integration of that into your Eclipse IDE. Go to “File”, select “New” and choose the “Spring → Spring Starter Project”. The wizard lets you choose the Spring Initializr endpoint you would like to use (in case you have a custom one running within your company, for example) and then lets you select a boot version and offers all the Spring Boot starter modules that are around for that boot version. Just choose the ones that match your interest and click “Finish”. You end up with a ready-to-use Spring Boot project in your workspace – in just a few seconds.

Running Spring Boot apps

Suppose we have a simple Spring Boot application that we got from importing the “Rest Service” guide. It implements a simple @RestController and serves some JSON back to the user. In order to run this app, you could select “Run As → Spring Boot App” or create your own launch configuration in the Eclipse IDE. A better and easier way to run your Spring app is the Spring Boot Dashboard. It is a separate view in your IDE that you can activate from the toolbar (look for the Spring Boot icon).

The Spring Boot Dashboard lists all the projects from your workspace that are Spring Boot projects. You can select one or multiple projects and run them just by hitting the “(Re)Start” button. It will create a default launch config for your Spring Boot app automatically if you don’t have one yet.

The Spring Boot Dashboard helps you to deal with potentially many Spring Boot apps in your workspace. It allows you to filter them, start or even restart multiple apps in parallel, or easily jump to the right console view for a running app.

The Spring Boot Dashboard, in addition to managing the launching of apps, offers more facilities for gaining insights into your applications. Jumping to the properties view from a running and selected Spring Boot app in the dashboard, you will see not just a quick overview and a ready-to-use hyperlink that lets you jump to the frontend of the running app immediately (without looking up port numbers, etc.). You will also see two additional tabs that provide direct information from the running app: request mappings and beans. The request mappings tab, for example, shows you all the request mappings that the application serves together with its location in the source code. Double-clicks let you jump directly to the source code where the mapping is implemented. This allows you to easily navigate between your running app and your source code.

The beans tab offers you the list of beans that are live at runtime, created by the Spring application. You can browse through the list or filter for certain characters. The good thing here is that you can also see dependencies among those beans, so that you can gain insight into which bean depends on which other bean. You want to know, for example, which data source got injected into your controller? Search for your controller name in the list of live beans and you will see the answer right away.

Spring Boot: A Tutorial for Beginners | in28minutes | Ranga Karanam
Spring Boot: A Tutorial for Beginners | in28minutes | Ranga Karanam

Running Spring Boot apps

Suppose we have a simple Spring Boot application that we got from importing the “Rest Service” guide. It implements a simple @RestController and serves some JSON back to the user. In order to run this app, you could select “Run As → Spring Boot App” or create your own launch configuration in the Eclipse IDE. A better and easier way to run your Spring app is the Spring Boot Dashboard. It is a separate view in your IDE that you can activate from the toolbar (look for the Spring Boot icon).

The Spring Boot Dashboard lists all the projects from your workspace that are Spring Boot projects. You can select one or multiple projects and run them just by hitting the “(Re)Start” button. It will create a default launch config for your Spring Boot app automatically if you don’t have one yet.

The Spring Boot Dashboard helps you to deal with potentially many Spring Boot apps in your workspace. It allows you to filter them, start or even restart multiple apps in parallel, or easily jump to the right console view for a running app.

The Spring Boot Dashboard, in addition to managing the launching of apps, offers more facilities for gaining insights into your applications. Jumping to the properties view from a running and selected Spring Boot app in the dashboard, you will see not just a quick overview and a ready-to-use hyperlink that lets you jump to the frontend of the running app immediately (without looking up port numbers, etc.). You will also see two additional tabs that provide direct information from the running app: request mappings and beans. The request mappings tab, for example, shows you all the request mappings that the application serves together with its location in the source code. Double-clicks let you jump directly to the source code where the mapping is implemented. This allows you to easily navigate between your running app and your source code.

The beans tab offers you the list of beans that are live at runtime, created by the Spring application. You can browse through the list or filter for certain characters. The good thing here is that you can also see dependencies among those beans, so that you can gain insight into which bean depends on which other bean. You want to know, for example, which data source got injected into your controller? Search for your controller name in the list of live beans and you will see the answer right away.

Creating Spring Boot Projects with Eclipse and Maven

There are three options to create Spring Boot Projects with Eclipse and Maven

  • Spring Initializr –
  • Use STS or STS Eclipse Plugin and Create a Spring Boot Maven Project directly from Eclipse
  • Manually Create a Maven Project and add Spring Boot Starter Dependencies.

We will use a Spring Boot Starter Web as an example.

Option 1 – Bootstrapping Spring Boot Project with Spring Initializr

Creating a Web application with Spring Initializr is a cake walk. We will use Spring Web MVC as our web framework.

Spring Initializr is great tool to bootstrap your Spring Boot projects.

As shown in the image above, following steps have to be done

  • Launch Spring Initializr and choose the following

    • Choose


      as Group
    • Choose


      as Artifact
    • Choose following dependencies

      • Web
      • Actuator
      • DevTools
  • Choose
  • Click Generate Project.

This would download a zip file to your local machine.

Unzip the zip file and extract to a folder.

In Eclipse, Click File -> Import -> Existing Maven Project as shown below.

Navigate or type in the path of the folder where you extracted the zip file to in the next screen.

Once you click Finish, Maven would take some time to download all the dependencies and initialize the project.

That’s it. Your first Spring Project is Ready.

Follow these links to understand more about the project that is created – Spring Boot vs Spring vs Spring MVC, Auto Configuration, Spring Boot Starter Projects, Spring Boot Starter Parent, Spring Boot Initializr

Option 2 – Using STS or STS Eclipse Plugin to create Spring Boot Maven Project

You may create a spring boot project straight from Eclipse using the Spring tool suite.

You need either download the entire STS installer or install the STS Eclipse plugin. provides the complete download of STS as well as the Update Sites for STS Eclipse Plugin.

In Eclipse/STS, start with File -> New -> Spring Starter Project as shown below.

In the next screen, you can choose the following for your project.

  • Group ID
  • Artifact ID
  • Root Package
  • Version
  • Description
  • Java Version
  • Language
  • Packaging

Make sure you choose Maven as Type.

In the following page, you may specify the dependencies you wish to include in your Spring Boot project.

Maven will need some time to download all the dependencies and initialise the project when you click Complete.

That’s all. Your first Spring project is complete.

Option 3 – Manually Create a Maven Spring Boot Project

The final option is to develop the project by hand.

Begin by selecting File > Create > Maven Project in Eclipse.

Choose Make a basic craft like the one illustrated below:

In the next screen, provide these details for your project and click Finish.

  • Group ID
  • Artifact ID
  • Version

This would create a basic Maven project with Zero dependencies.

Next add in the appropriate Spring Boot Starters into the pom.xml









Starter Web is used to create Spring Boot Web Apps or RESTful Services.

Starter Test supports unit and integration testing with Spring Test, Mockito, and JUnit.

The version for these dependencies is one thing we are missing.

Spring Boot Starter Parent will be added as the parent pom in the






Let’s configure the Java version to use as 17



The next step is to create a Spring Boot Application class that will be used to run the web application.


package com.in28minutes.springboot.tutorial; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; @SpringBootApplication public class SpringBootWebApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }

All that you need to do is to add


and use

static method to launch the Spring Application context.

When you run this class as a java programme, you will see that an embedded Tomcat server will start up, and you will be able to add functionality to this application.

Spring Full Course - Learn Spring Framework in 4 Hours | Spring Framework Tutorial | Edureka
Spring Full Course – Learn Spring Framework in 4 Hours | Spring Framework Tutorial | Edureka

Deploying to Cloud Foundry

Last, but not least, the Spring Boot Dashboard provides a direct integration with Cloud Foundry runtimes. In the same way as your local boot apps, a Cloud Foundry section in your dashboard will list the deployed and running apps, allows you to start and stop them. It also offers you to deploy your project via drag&drop to the Cloud Foundry instance and even debug a running app on Cloud Foundry.

Spring Tools 4: The new generation on the horizon

In the final section of this article, I want to give you a brief outlook at what is coming next. In December 2017 we launched the public beta of the next generation of Spring tooling. The so-called “Spring Tools 4” initiative and the corresponding public beta launch not just offers great tooling for Spring apps when working with the Eclipse IDE, but is also available for Visual Studio Code and Atom:

The next generation includes all of what you have seen here in this article so far, and goes beyond that. It offers a super quick and easy source-code navigation to all the important pieces of your Spring Boot application. You will get easy access to all your request mappings, bean definitions, function implementations, data repositories, and more – just by selecting the “Go To Symbol” action.

In addition to that, your source code will be augmented with information from running Spring Boot applications. As soon as you start your Spring Boot app, real-time information from that app will appear in your source code, allowing you to get a unique insight into your running Spring Boot app. You will be able to see which beans are active, how they got wired to each other, which conditions have succeeded or failed and for what reason, and more.

Wanna give it a try? Feel free to take a look at: – download and go! It is available as a ready-to-use Eclipse distribution (based on Eclipse Photon), and as extensions for Visual Studio Code, and Atom.

And feedback is always welcome. Please feel free to go to and raise questions, provide feedback, and report bugs and enhancement requests.

About the Author

  1. IntelliJ IDEA: IntelliJ IDEA is a powerful IDE for Java Spring Boot development, and it offers a wide range of features such as code completion, debugging, refactoring, and testing. It also has excellent support for Spring Boot, with features like Spring Initializr, Spring Boot Run configurations, and Spring Boot Live Reload.

  2. Eclipse or Spring Tool Suite: Eclipse is a popular open-source IDE that provides excellent support for Java development. It has several plugins available for Spring Boot development, such as Spring Tools Suite, which offers a wide range of features for Spring Boot development.

  3. NetBeans: NetBeans is another popular open-source IDE that provides support for Java development. It offers a range of features for Spring Boot development, such as code completion, debugging, and testing.

  4. Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code is a lightweight, cross-platform IDE that provides excellent support for Java development. It offers a wide range of extensions for Spring Boot development, such as Spring Boot Tools, Spring Initializr, and Spring Boot Dashboard.

There are several IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) available for Java Spring Boot development. Some of the most popular IDEs used for Java Spring Boot development are:

Now, you may have a question like which IDE is best for Java Spring Boot Development?

Well, I ran a poll on Twitter asking this same question, and 70% of the engineers voted for IntelliJ IDEA:

The above Twitter poll confirms that IntelliJ IDEA is the best IDE for Java Spring Boot Development.

Well, I again ran a poll on Linkedin asking this same question, and 65% of the engineers voted for IntelliJ IDEA:

The above Linkedin poll confirms that IntelliJ IDEA is the best IDE for Java Spring Boot Development.

I have been using Eclipse (Spring Tool Suite) IDE for 10 years and no doubt it is one of the best IDE for Java Spring Boot development. I have been using IntelliJ IDEA for 2 years now and I felt that IntelliJ IDEA is quite better in terms of performance and its powerful features in a paid version.

Well, I suggest using both and then deciding which one is more flexible and comfortable for you.

Overall, IntelliJ IDEA is considered one of the best IDEs for Java Spring Boot development due to its powerful features, plugins, ease of use, and excellent support for Spring Boot (in paid version). However, the choice of IDE depends on individual preferences and project requirements.

What is your thought on this topic? Leave a comment below.

I have started learning spring boot. I am studying spring boot security now. I have created one maven project and one spring boot project. Basically I want to use spring boot project as a module of maven project.

I tried to add module inside pom.xml of maven project and unzipped spring boot project created using spring boot initilizr inside maven project directory. In eclipse it shows folder structure instead of packages.

Can anybody guide me with this. Some step by step procedure on using maven project with spring boot project as a module would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Loạt bài chủ đề Java trên trang bản quyền thuộc Trần Hữu Cương. Bài viết đăng trên blog Techmaster được sự đồng ý của tác giả.

Thầy Trần Hữu Cương hiện là giảng viên Techmater khoá Lộ trình Java Spring Boot Full Stack

Link gốc bài viết tại đây Cài đặt Spring Tool Suite Cho Eclipse.

Spring Boot in Tamil - FULL COURSE - Payilagam - Muthuramalingam
Spring Boot in Tamil – FULL COURSE – Payilagam – Muthuramalingam

Spring initializr

Spring Boot có một công cụ giúp chúng ta nhanh chóng khởi tạo project gọi là Spring Initializr. Spring Initializr có thể truy cập trên web tại, hoặc với IntelliJ thì có tích hợp luôn vào khi tạo project luôn.

2.Khai báo thông tin project

Như hình trên, ở ngăn bên trái là nơi chúng ta khai báo một số thông tin project như:

  • Loại project: là chọn loại package manager nào, Maven hoặc Gradle.
  • Language: chọn ngôn ngữ code, ở đây mình chọn Java
  • Phiên bản Spring Boot: Các version có SNAPSHOT là bản chưa ổn định, không nên chọn
  • Loại file build ra: với Spring Boot thì nên chọn JAR để đỡ cấu hình Tomcat server
  • Phiên bản Java: chọn java 11 để ổn định

Ngoài ra cũng cần khai báo thêm các metadata như tên project, tên package, artifact,…

2.Chọn dependency

Ngăn bên phải là chọn các dependency, có thể hiểu là các thư viện phụ trợ. Để code được web service bạn cần có Spring web. Các thư viện khác có ý nghĩa như sau:

  • Lombok: nên chọn, nó giúp code Java ngắn hơn, nhưng cần cài thêm plugin Lombok vào IDE nữa
  • Thymeleaf: chưa cần, Thymeleaf sẽ giúp pass data vào view của mô hình MVC, trả về trang HTML có data cho client
  • Spring configuration processor, Spring devtools là các tool hỗ trợ thêm khi code thôi

Trong phần này, mình khuyến khích các bạn chọn gồm: Spring Web, Lombok, Thymeleaf.

2.Hoàn tất

Sau khi xong, các bạn nhấn nút Generate là xong. Một file zip chứa source ban đầu sẽ được tải về, chỉ cần giải nén và bắt đầu code.

Cấu trúc project được khởi tạo sẵn như sau.


In this article, we looked at the different options for creating Spring Boot projects with Maven and Eclipse. I love Option 2: creating the project directly from Eclipse using the STS plugin. But, you might have your own preference.

Published at DZone with permission of Ranga Karanam, DZone MVB. See the original article here.

Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.



Running an Application

  • Overview
  • Eclipse IDE
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • NetBeans IDE

This page describes how to run a project in Eclipse IDE.

REST API using Springboot java using eclipse
REST API using Springboot java using eclipse

Chuẩn bị

Đối với Spring Boot thì các bạn có thể chọn một trong hai IDE là Eclipse (miễn phí) và IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (bản Community không có hỗ trợ Spring). Tải xuống tại đây:

  • Eclipse:
  • IntelliJ IDEA:

Mình khuyến khích các bạn dùng IntelliJ, vì code rất sướng và ít lỗi vặt như Eclipse. Với IntelliJ thì có plugin sẵn rồi, không cần cài nhiều. Còn Eclipse bạn cần cài thêm STS (Spring tool suite). Có thể download JAR tại đây, hoặc tìm trong Marketplace của Eclipse.

Trong phần sau, mình sẽ sử dụng IntelliJ để demo nhé.

Spring Tools 4: The new generation on the horizon

In the final section of this article, I want to give you a brief outlook at what is coming next. In December 2017 we launched the public beta of the next generation of Spring tooling. The so-called “Spring Tools 4” initiative and the corresponding public beta launch not just offers great tooling for Spring apps when working with the Eclipse IDE, but is also available for Visual Studio Code and Atom:

The next generation includes all of what you have seen here in this article so far, and goes beyond that. It offers a super quick and easy source-code navigation to all the important pieces of your Spring Boot application. You will get easy access to all your request mappings, bean definitions, function implementations, data repositories, and more – just by selecting the “Go To Symbol” action.

In addition to that, your source code will be augmented with information from running Spring Boot applications. As soon as you start your Spring Boot app, real-time information from that app will appear in your source code, allowing you to get a unique insight into your running Spring Boot app. You will be able to see which beans are active, how they got wired to each other, which conditions have succeeded or failed and for what reason, and more.

Wanna give it a try? Feel free to take a look at: – download and go! It is available as a ready-to-use Eclipse distribution (based on Eclipse Photon), and as extensions for Visual Studio Code, and Atom.

And feedback is always welcome. Please feel free to go to and raise questions, provide feedback, and report bugs and enhancement requests.

About the Author

Spring Boot is built on the top of the spring and contains all the features of spring. And is becoming a favorite of developers these days because of its rapid production-ready environment which enables the developers to directly focus on the logic instead of struggling with the configuration and setup. Spring Boot is a microservice-based framework and making a production-ready application in it takes very little time. Following are some of the features of Spring Boot:

  • It allows avoiding heavy configuration of XML which is present in spring
  • It provides easy maintenance and creation of REST endpoints
  • It includes embedded Tomcat-server
  • Deployment is very easy, war and jar files can be easily deployed in the tomcat server

For more information please refer to this article: Introduction to Spring Boot

Here we will be focusing on creating and setting up spring boot projects in Eclipse IDE. The Eclipse IDE is famous for the Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE), but it has a number of pretty cool IDEs, including the C/C++ IDE, JavaScript/TypeScript IDE, PHP IDE, and more.


  1. Install Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developer
  2. Create a Spring Boot Project in Spring Initializr
  3. Import Spring Boot Project in Eclipse IDE
  4. Search “maven” and choose Existing Maven Project
  5. Choose Next
  6. Click on the Browse button and select the extracted zip
  7. Click on the Finish button and we are done creating the Spring Boot project

Let us discuss these steps in detail alongside visual aids

Step 1: Install Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developer

Please refer to this article How to Install Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Development and install the Eclipse IDE.

Step 2: Create a Spring Boot Project in Spring Initializr

Go to this link and create a Spring Boot project. Please fill in all the details accordingly and at last click on the GENERATE button below. This will download your Spring Boot project in zip format. Now extract the folder into your local machine. For more details in Spring Initializr refer to this article: Spring Initializr

Step 3: Import Spring Boot Project in Eclipse IDE

Go to the Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developer > File > Import as shown in the below image.

Step 4: Search “maven” and choose Existing Maven Project and click on the Next button as shown in the below image.

Step 5: Now click on the Browse button and select the extracted zip file that has been generated.

Step 6. And at last click on the Finish button and we are done creating the Spring Boot project

By now, Spring Boot project has been created as depicted in the below media

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Last Updated :
22 Nov, 2021

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Spring Boot Full Course - Learn Spring Boot In 4 Hours | Spring Boot Tutorial For Beginner | Edureka
Spring Boot Full Course – Learn Spring Boot In 4 Hours | Spring Boot Tutorial For Beginner | Edureka

Working with properties

Spring Boot does a lot of things automatically for you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t customize this default behavior. One way to customize the behavior is in code, the other one is by using properties. And Spring Boot offers a huge number of properties.

Assuming you want to define the port your Spring Boot app is running on. Just open the “” or “application.yml” file (depending on whether you prefer property or YAML format for your config files) and go. The Spring Tools for Eclipse IDE provide an enhanced editor experience that offers code completion for all the available Spring Boot properties.

Beyond the code completion, which offers a full list of properties together with documentation hints and types of those properties, the editor also checks keys and values for correctness. If, for example, a property is unknown, it will let you know via a warning. If the value that you put in doesn’t match the type of the property, an error will appear.

Using Spring Guides

In case you want to learn about a specific area of Spring and Spring Boot, you might want to take a look at the Spring Guides: They offer a comprehensive set of small tutorial-like step-by-step introductions to specific features of Spring. You can use them, for example, to learn how to implement your first RESTful service that delivers JSON.

Those guides can be imported into your Spring-Tools-enhanced Eclipse IDE by using the “Import Spring Getting Started Content” wizard, also available from the “New” menu. It is a great way to quickly import those guide projects, try them out, and learn from them.

Spring Boot and Angular Full Stack Development | 4 Hour Course
Spring Boot and Angular Full Stack Development | 4 Hour Course

Building a Maven Goal

The Eclipse IDE has built-in integration with Maven. You can run common commands such as

mvn install


mvn jetty:run

without having to leave the IDE.

The project is built with Maven, and you can also run it in an embedded development server with Maven, as described later.

The most common commands are available in the Run As and Debug As folders when you right-click the project in the Project Explorer panel.

For example, to compile the project and install it your local Maven repository, right-click the project and select


After invoking the command, you can see how Eclipse executes the


goal build phase and all the previous phases in Maven’s default lifecycle. Building the application downloads dependencies from the repositories and copies the generated artifacts into your local Maven repository, among other things.

You can find additional useful options in the Maven sub-menu.

To learn more about the topics covered here:

  • The key concepts in Maven, see Learning Maven Concepts.


Spring Boot makes it simple to set up a basic project. In this tutorial, we will look at how to create Spring Boot projects with Maven, Eclipse or IntelliJ.


Using the Eclipse Marketplace

  1. Launch Eclipse. Eclipse has an icon that resembles a blue circle with white horizontal lines and a yellow crescent moon to the left. Click the icon on your desktop, Windows Start menu, Applications folder (Mac), or Apps menu (Linux) to open Eclipse.

    • The first time you open Eclipse, you will need to select a folder to use as your workspace. Click Launch in the lower-right corner to use the default workspace folder. Click Browse to select a different location.
  2. Open or create a new project. By default, Eclipse will open the last project you were working on. To create a new project, click File in the menu bar at the top, and then click New. To open an existing project, click File in the menu bar, and then click Open. Select a file and click Open.

    • The first time you open Eclipse, a screen will appear giving you a variety of options. Click the option to open a new Java project to start a new project. Alternatively, you can click the option to open an existing project to begin work on an existing project.


  3. Click Help. It’s the last option in the menu bar at the top of the screen. This displays the Help menu.
  4. Click Eclipse Marketplace. It’s near the bottom of the Help menu. This opens the Eclipse Marketplace in a new window.
  5. Type Spring Boot in the search box and press ↵ Enter. This displays a list of search results related to Spring Boot. On Eclipse, Spring Boot is called Spring Tools Suite.
  6. Click Install below the latest version of Spring Tools. The latest version of Spring Tools should appear at the top of the list. Click the Install button in the lower-right corner of the box. This will display a checklist of all the packages that will be installed.
  7. Click Confirm. It’s at the bottom of the Eclipse Marketplace window. This confirms that you want to install all the packages that are checked in the list. This begins the process of installing the selected packages.

    • If there are any packages you do not want to install, uncheck them before clicking “Confirm.”
    • If you want to install any additional plug-ins, such as the add-on for previous versions of Spring Tools, click Install More at the bottom of the Eclipse Marketplace window. Then click Install below any additional plug-ins you want to install. Click Install Now at the bottom of the Eclipse Marketplace window, when you are ready to install all the selected plug-ins.
  8. Agree to the Terms and Conditions and click Finish. Click the radio button next to “I accept the terms of the license agreements” and click Finish.
  9. Relaunch Eclipse. After installing Spring Tools in Eclipse, close Eclipse and then launch it again. Spring Tools is now installed and ready to use.

Installing the Spring Tools Suite Distribution of Eclipse

  1. Go to in a web browser. This is the website where you can download Spring Tools Suite. Spring Tools Suite is an Eclipse distribution that comes with Spring Tools (Spring Boot) already pre-installed.
  2. Click the Spring Tools for Eclipse download link for your operating system. There are four download links below “Spring Tools for Eclipse.” Click the Windows x86_64 link if you are using Windows. Click the MacOS x86_64 link if you are using an Intel-based Mac. Click MacOS ARM_64 if you are using an ARM-based Mac. Click Linux x86_64 if you are using Linux.
  3. Open the installation file. Click the installation file in your web browser or Downloads folder. This will install Spring Tools Suite automatically. The way it does this is different, depending on which operating system you are using.

    • If you are using Windows, you’ll need to install the latest version of Java in order to install Spring Tools Suite. The JAR installation file will install Spring Tools Suite at whichever location you launch the file from. You may want to copy and paste the installation file to whichever location you want to install Spring Tools Suite at before launching the file.
    • If you are using a Mac, open the installation DMG file. Spring Tools Suite will start installing automatically. Be sure to drag the Spring Tools Suite app icon to the Applications folder once the installation is complete.
    • If you are using Linux, you will need to extract the contents of the downloaded tar.gz file to the location you want to install Spring Tools Suite at. It contains the Spring Tools Suite executable file.
  4. Launch Spring Tools Suite. If you are using Windows or Linux, navigate to the folder that you installed or extracted the Spring Tools Suite installation file to. Then click the Spring Tools Suite executable file. If you are using Mac, navigate to the Applications folder and click the Spring Tools Suite app file.
  5. Select a workspace folder. The first time you run Eclipse, you will need to select a workspace folder. Click Launch to use the default workspace folder location. If you want to select a different location to use as your workspace folder, click Browse and select the location you want to use as your workspace. Then click Open. This launches Eclipse with Spring Tools (Spring Boot) already installed.

Creating a Spring Boot Project

  1. Go to in a web browser. This website allows you to enter the information and select the dependencies of your Spring project. It will then generate a zip file containing all the files needed to start your Spring project.
  2. Select which build tool you want to use. Click the radio option next to which build tool you want to use below “Project” in the upper-left corner. You can select a Maven project or a Gradle project.
  3. Select which programming language you want to use. Click the radio option next to which programming language you want to use in the upper-left corner. You can select Java, Kotlin, or Groovy.
  4. Select which version of Spring Boot you are using. Click the radio option next to the version of Spring Boot you are using. If you are not sure, use the default setting.
  5. Enter your project metadata. Use the form below “Metadata” to enter your project’s metadata. You’ll need to provide the following information:[2] X Research source

    • Group: This will be the groupID attribute for your project.
    • Artifact: This is generally the name of the project. This will be the artifactID attribute
    • Name: This is usually teh same as teh Artifact name. If the name of your project is different than the artifactID, you can enter the name here.
    • Description: Use this space to enter a brief description of your project.
    • Package name: This is the root package name. This is generally the same as the Group name. If you want to use a different root package name, you can enter it here.
  6. Select your project packaging. You can package your project as a JAR file or a WAR file:[3] X Research source

    • JAR: JAR files are self-contained, executable Java programs. They can contain compiled Java code, manifest files, XML configuration data, JSON configuration data, as well as images and audio.
    • WAR: WAR files contain files related to a web project. They may contain XML, JSP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that can be deployed on any servlet.
  7. Select which version of Java you are using. Click the radio option next the version of Java you want to use. You can use java 8, Java 11, or Java 17.
  8. Add dependencies to your project. Spring Boot allows you to add a variety of dependencies to your project. Use the following steps to add dependencies to your project:

    • Click Add Dependencies in the upper-right corner.
    • Use the search bar at the top to search for dependencies.
    • Click a dependency to add it.
  9. Click Generate. It’s in the lower-left corner at the bottom of the screen. This will generate and download a zip file containing all the files needed to start your Spring Boot project in Eclipse.

    • Alternatively, you can click Explorer to view all the different files in your project. You can view the source code and download individual files.
    • Click Share to get a link to your project that you can copy and send to other people to view.
  10. Extract the zip file. Once you download the zip file with your project files extract it. It’s best to extract it to your workplace folder or a location you will remember.
  11. Open Eclipse. Make sure you have Spring Boot installed in Eclipse or you are using the Spring Tools distribution of Eclipse. Click the Eclipse icon to launch Eclipse.

    • If Eclipse doesn’t automatically open to your project, you’ll need to open it, or create a new project.
  12. Import your Spring Boot project. This will import the Spring Boot files you created, downloaded, and extracted into Eclipse so that you can begin coding your project. Use the following steps to import your Spring Boot project files:[4] X Research source

    • Click File in the menu bar at the top.
    • Click Import.
    • Expand the “Maven” or “Gradle” folder.
    • Click Existing Maven Project or Existing Gradle Project
    • Click Next.
    • Click Browse in the upper-right corner.
    • Select the folder containing the project files that you downloaded and extracted.
    • Click Open.
    • Click Finish.

Creating a Spring Boot Project With Eclipse and Maven

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How to Create a Spring Boot Project With Eclipse and Maven:

  1. Naming a Project- We give a name to the project.
  2. Declaring Dependencies -Dependencies are frameworks that you need in order to develop your project
  3. Creating Spring Boot Projects with Eclipse and Maven- There are three options to create Spring Boot Projects with Eclipse and Maven:

Option 1. Bootstrap Spring Boot Project with Spring Initializr. We will use Spring Web MVC as our web framework.

Option 2. Use STS or STS Eclipse Plugin to Create Spring Boot Maven Project. Download the complete installation of STS or you can install the STS Eclipse plugin.

Option 3. Manually Create a Maven Spring Boot Project. Create the project manually.

Setting up a basic project with Spring Boot is a cake walk. In this article, we will explore the different options of creating Spring Boot projects with Maven and Eclipse. You will learn:

  • How to bootstrap a simple project with Spring Initializr.
  • How to use the Spring Starter Eclipse Plugin to create a simple project with Spring Boot, Maven, and Eclipse.
  • How to create a Spring Boot project manually, step-by-step.
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Register ,Login & Logout Using Spring boot,Security, MVC, Data JPA & Thymeleaf | Spring Boot Project


You can install the Spring Tools for Eclipse IDE into an existing Eclipse installation using the Eclipse Marketplace. Just open the marketplace client in Eclipse, search for Spring Tools and install the “Spring Tools (aka Spring IDE and Spring Tool Suite)” entry.

In case you prefer to use a ready-to-use distribution, you can go to and download the Spring Tool Suite distribution, which is a full Eclipse distribution (based on the latest Eclipse release) with Spring Tools pre-installed.

Using Spring Guides

In case you want to learn about a specific area of Spring and Spring Boot, you might want to take a look at the Spring Guides: They offer a comprehensive set of small tutorial-like step-by-step introductions to specific features of Spring. You can use them, for example, to learn how to implement your first RESTful service that delivers JSON.

Those guides can be imported into your Spring-Tools-enhanced Eclipse IDE by using the “Import Spring Getting Started Content” wizard, also available from the “New” menu. It is a great way to quickly import those guide projects, try them out, and learn from them.

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ADV JAVA tutorials by Mr. Nagoor Babu Sir

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