How does my Android device connect over wifi
A feature of AppInventor allows users to connect a device to a PC over wifi to test their apps. Below we explain in more detail how this process works.
To use the AppInventor connection over wifi, a user must download the MIT AI2 Companion App via the Google Play Store (note: AI1 users should get the v1 companion, not the v2), and install it directly to your phone (note that to directly install, you will need to allow installation of non-market apps in your device’s system settings). Directly loading App Inventor in this way means that the Play Store can not automatically update the App. When there is an App Inventor upgrade, you will need to manually update the Companion App.
The MIT AICompanion allows a user to make a connection between the Android device and PC over the MIT RendezVous Server.
The Android device must be using Wifi and not the cell network for Internet connectivity.
How MIT RendezVous Server works
1. Your PC checks in with a 6-character code generated by the MIT AICompanion
2. MIT RendezVous Server records the IP address of your PC
3. Your Android device checks in with a 6-character code
4. MIT RendezVous Server records the IP address of your phone
5. MIT RendezVous Server tells the device and computer with the matching 6-character code the other’s IP address
6. Device and computer communicate directly using IP
Ideally our network situation should look like this:
Connecting over the Phone Over Wifi Troubleshooting
Try the following steps to troubleshoot your wireless connection.
1. Try to reach from your PC
2. Try to reach from your Android device
3. If the steps above both work, try using the “ping” command to ping to the IP Address of the phone (displayed by the MIT AICompanion in its startup window). If you are using windows, type “ping” + *IP address of the phone* in cmd.exe window, if you are using mac or linux, type type “ping” + *IP address of the phone* in terminal window. Detailed instruction see
4. If all of these steps succeed and Wireless App Inventor still doesn’t work, then there may be a firewall between the computer and phone that is blocking ports 8001 and 9987. If you have a “telnet” program you can attempt to telnet from the computer to the phone on these ports. If the connection won’t complete, then there is likely a firewall in place that is blocking connections to the phone
If you do not pass step 4, your network most likely looks like this.
Many networks have firewalls set up that block connections to the phone. A way to get around this is to use your own or a local computer as a wifi router and have all computers and devices using AppInventor connect to the network using the new router. For detailed instruction setting up a computer as a router, see
Why is my phone still not connecting?
Check that your device is connected to Wifi and not the cell network. On some devices and in some locations, even with WiFi enabled, the phone continues to use the cell network. If this is happening to you, you can disable mobile networking (cell phone carrier based Internet connectivity) from your device’s Android settings menu.
Hello Guys
Can I use the Serial1 connectivity for a serial communication over Wifi?I do not find the wifi interface, there is only Bluetooth but no Wlan.
Thank you in advance.Roger
Hello Guys
Can I use the Serial1 connectivity for a serial communication over Wifi?I do not find the wifi interface, there is only Bluetooth but no Wlan.
Thank you in advance.Roger
I don’t think so, unless you use a serial-network converter with the supported usb-serial chip or driver support for Android. But you can try my SerialOTG extension ver 1.2 that has support for byte oriented transmission over serial-otg adapters, BT and TCP, all using the same protocol. I have tested it with wlan connection from Android devices to TCP-terminal app, TCP-server app and used it for ModbusTCP communication.You can follow the discussion in this thread:
The extension can be found at:
Thank you for your feedback.
That means I have to implement (over MIT APP) the SerialOTG 1.3 to get the right interface?
The extension allows you to communicate with byte/bytes without protocol, except for the implementation of ReadLine WriteLine with 7bit ASCII characters.
The serial servers that I have used are programmed to send/receive data bytes without protocol over the network, addressed to an ip/port and then convert it to a serial port.
The Modbus interface I mentioned is a separate extensions and implements Modbus TCP and RTU over Serial, BT and WIFI: se
What do you need?
I am very new with MIT APP, thats why I have to ask again.The extension you talk about its serialOTG, how can I implement this extension into the MIT APP?So I can still use MitAPP with your extension together?I am using the RS232 HF9624 Gateway, and I need to read/write over the App via WIFI.
Is this what you want to do?Make an app in AI2 (Appinventor) that communicate over WIFI TC/IP with a remote serial port RS232 HF9624 Gateway?
Then you can use Appinventor-SerialOTG extension. You can also make a direct connection from your Android device with an OTG cable and an USB-Serial converter for testing with no changes in code other the selection of Serial or TCP.
If you only use 7bit ASCII character line oriented protocol, then you can use ReadLine/WriteLine.
If you want to use ModbusRTU, use the Appinventor-Modbus extension.
Any other communication protocol has to be programmed in Appinventor.
To use the extension:
Download file com.SerialOTG.aix from git (now updated to 1.2).Import extension: Palette→Extension→import extension. Select com.SerialOTG.aix and import. Select the imported extension in Palette and drag it to the screen. Now its available in blocks view.
Just did the Installation. looks so far good, awesome, thank you.
Now, for the initialization:SerialOTG1 initialize wifi (net: server address, dport: TCP-port)
We have to initialize only, before we can read/write to?
No, you also have to call open() after init(). You can have a look at the documentation SerialOTG_1.2.pdf and the test application SerialOTG_BT_WIFI.aia. You can use IsConnected() to see that you are connected, but you can not trust that it will detect all kinds of loss of communication, due to the nature of TCP.
One note: it is very easy to make simple application with AI2, but more complicated tasks can be hard to program with an untyped language. One example is control of bits and bytes.
Thank you, now I am able to manage the modifications.
HelloNeed some help to interpret the data type.We send on serial 8databit with one 1stopbit. According your expl. that’s a default setting?
That’s correct if you are using an USB to serial adapter.
Baud, stopbits, databits have no meaning if you are using TCP. You have to program your gateway with the serial communication parameters that you need.
(You can use the test application SerialOTG_BT_WIFI.apk for testing if you only use ASCII character communication.)
Dear Rolf @rkl0991st of all – thanks for great com.SerialOTG.aix component – up and running is 5 minutes (device with 1bit over usb-2-serial scenario 1) but …Is there a way to set 2 stop bits ?I connect to 2 types of device (one requiring 1 stop bit, other 2 stop bits) in 2 scenarios:scenario 1: connecting to serial device (via USB-2-Serial converter)scenario 2: connecting to device by USB using serial inside it
Just for reference, from my git account (don’t know if the request is from you) :
”Requires 38400 8N2 configuration. How can I make two stop bits?”
”This is not implemented in the extension (yet), even if its included in the Physicaloid library. Mainly because it’s difficult to test.It can be added for transmit, but it will not be tested for in the receive function.It’s easy to implement if you need it, but time consuming to test for all usb-serial adapters”
So I will add this soon. I let you know when it’s ready for testing!
I can beta test it – I expect this radio m0nka to be brought to me today (although I do not know if it is scenario 1 or 2). I may also get ft717/718 but I do not have the date yet. But probably other people would be more skilled and equipped with more devices to test it.
I have added support for Physicaloid library stopbits in SerialOTG.StopBits(n) and n=StopBits. Value n 0=>1, 1=>1.5, 2=>2 stopbits .Please test and report what adapter you are using (or selected driver).(Adapter type can be tested with a Linux system and terminal cmd dmesg) The extension can be found at GitHub – rkl099/Appinventor_Debug: Debug versions: SerialOTG Add support for ATTINY85+Stopbits, Modbus add 32b reg R
Device: The m0nka (aka mcHF) arrived Tuesday night – it connects over USB cable (the device has USB connector) and has VID/PID reported by Sunny’s aix as 1002/1150 (it says also 2.0 which I think is version).Results: It works on both old version and on new with any parity – probably USB controllers negotiate any parameters (baud, parity,..).
To-Do: Yaesu FT817/818 with real serial claimed 2stop bit- I will get one of these devices with USB-2-Serial converter cable somewhere next week due to holidays – will test asap.Thanks a lot for great plugin !
Device: Yaesu FT817 requiring 9600-38400 + 2 STOP bits.Result: All works great ! The little problem is it works same both with 1 and 2 stop bits. I guess my app does not put stress on it enough to cause buffer overflow. Anyway, it works, it is safe to use so I’m very happy. Thanks a lot.
Hi, can we use the SerialOtG extension also for a multiple client communication? We are going to connect 6 Serial-Gateways to one hotspot on an android device running 6 Instances based on SerialOtG extension.
best regardsRo
If I understand it correctly, each instance is connected to a serial device.SerilaOTG is based on a modified Pysicaloid library and was designed for a single usb-serial connection on a phone. I can see two problems with your design.
So you have to test to see what is possible to do.
See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.For questions about this extension or bug reports please start a new thread in the App Inventor community. Thank you.For feature requests please contact me by email. To be a sponsor of a new method already is possible starting from only 10 USD! With your contribution you will help the complete App Inventor community. Thank you.
Dec 22th, 2015: Version 1: initial release.
July 7th, 2016: Version 2: macAddress method added.
Aug 11th, 2016: Version 2a: avoid DX execution failed error: build each extension separately
Nov 27th, 2016: Version 3: BSSID method added
Feb 25th, 2017: Version 3a: bugfix IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered: null while switching screens
May 10th, 2017: Version 3b: bugfix IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered while switching screens
Aug 14th, 2017: Version 4: correspondingRSSIs, SignalStrength, ConnectionInfo, Is5GHzBandSupported added
Aug 16th, 2017: Version 5: correspondingBSSIs added
Dec 6th, 2017: Version 5a: bugfix configuredSSIDs, see also here. Thank you Edgar for the error report.
Dec 14th, 2017: Version 5b: bugfix ConnectSSID, see also here. Thank you again Edgar for the error report.
Apr 8th, 2018: Version 6: new method AccessPointIP added
Apr 13th, 2018: Version 7: connect without password
Aug 29th, 2018: Version 8: Disconnect method added
Nov 6th, 2018: Version 9: Dnsservers method added
Jan 23th, 2019: Version 10: SDK 26 update: dangerous permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION removed. What is a dangerous permission? The method AvailableSSIDs including its corresponding event have been removed.
Jan 28th, 2019: Version 11: AvailableSSIDs added again. Additionally example project provided about how to use it together with the location sensor and GPS enabled.
Oct 21th, 2019: Version 12: AfterWifiNegotiation event added
Oct 21th, 2019: Version 13: RemoveSSID added
Oct 21th, 2019: Version 14: LocalIP: returns wifi ip if its enabled else the cellular one
May 25th, 2021: Version 14 recompiled, see also here.
Nov 12th, 2021: Version 15: android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE added for App Inventor nb188 release, see also here.
Aug 31st, 2023:
Version 16: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and WRITE_SETTINGS permissions added,ConnectSSID method for Android >= 10 uses the network request API, see also hereHaveSystemWritePermission and ApiLevel methods added,IsGpsEnabled, IsLocationPermissionGranted and RequestLocationPermission method added,MacAddress method removed, does not work for Android M, see also hereRemoveSSID method removed, suppressWarning properties replaced by ErrorOccurred eventNote: this version of the extension is not compatible with earlier versions. You therefore have to remove the extension from your project and then import it as new extension.
Dec 10th, 2023: Version 16a:
Extension rebuilt to avoid “ERROR: DX returned an error code” for projects, having 2 extensions or more which use proguard to obfuscate their code,
see also Pull request 3004.
Some useful blocks to use in a wireless lan.Required permissions: android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE, android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE, android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
Returns whether Success Message should be suppressed.
Specifies whether Success Message should be suppressed.
Return the local IP Address. Returns wifi ip if its enabled else the cellular one.Sponsor of this block is Marius. Thank you!
Return the MAC Address of the device.Sponsor of this block is Niko. Thank you!
Get current WiFi state: true or false.
Enable WiFi.You can hide the success message after setting the suppressSuccessMessage property to false.Note: starting from Android 10, it is not possible anymore to enable Wifi programmatically, see also this stackoverflow answer, therefore a dialog for the user will be provided, see also this Activity Starter solution.
Disable WiFi.You can hide the success message after setting the suppressSuccessMessage property to false.Note: starting from Android 10, it is not possible anymore to disable Wifi programmatically, see also this stackoverflow answer, therefore a dialog for the user will be provided, see also this Activity Starter solution.
Get current WiFi SSID (Service Set Identifier).Note: to be able to test this block, you have to build the app, because the permission CHANGE_WIFI_STATE is not available in the companion app.Note: Precondition to use this method is to grant location permission. Also GPS must be enabled. See the example project about how to use it..
Get current WiFi BSSID (the MAC address of the access point).Thank you burrowmoor for being the sponsor of this method.Note: to be able to test this block, you have to build the app, because the permission CHANGE_WIFI_STATE is not available in the companion app.Note: Precondition to use this method is to grant location permission. Also GPS must be enabled. See the example project about how to use it..
Get a list of available SSIDs (Service Set Identifiers). WiFi must be enabled for this.Note: to be able to test this block, you have to build the app, because the permission CHANGE_WIFI_STATE is not available in the companion app.Note: Precondition to use this method is to grant location permission. Also GPS must be enabled. See the example project about how to use it..
Note: Android will get more and more restricted. In a future Android release the AvailableSSIDs method will stop working, see also this note in the Android documentation: “The ability for apps to trigger scan requests will be removed in a future release.”
Get current connection info.For details, see also WiFiInfo documentation.
Check, if 5 GHz Band is supported. Returns true or false.
Get signal strength (RSSI) in a range between 0 and 100.This algorithm is used to calculate the signal strength..
Get IP address of the access point.Thank you Eric for being the sponsor of this method.
Return a list of DNS servers (primary and secondary) of the current network.Note: The method returns the IP address of the gateway router when DNS is not configured inside the router.Thank you Gabriel for being the sponsor of this method.
Connect to a SSID (Service Set Identifier). Available for Android >= 10.The new peer to peer API to bootstrap configuration for secondary devices is used, which is available starting from Android 10, see also here. This API requires the permission WRITE_SETTIMGS.Note: Creating a connection using this API does not provide an internet connection to the app or to the device!!!Bypassing user approvalOnce the user approves a network to connect to in response to a request from a specific app, the device stores the approval for the particular access point. If the app makes a specific request to connect to that access point again, the device skips the user approval phase and automatically connects to the network. If the user chooses to forget the network while connected to a network requested by the API, then this stored approval for that combination of app and network is removed, and any future request from the app must be approved by the user again.Note: to be able to test this block, you have to build the app, because the permission WRITE_SETTINGS is not available in the companion app.
Disconnect. Available for Android >= 10.Note: after disconnecting the device might reconnect automatically to the next available known network.Thank you Wei Zheng for being the sponsor of this method.
Returns the API Level of the device.
Check, whether we have system write permission or not. Returns true or false. In case of false, the Android write settings menu of the app will be opened automatically.
Returns true, if location permission have been granted.
Request location permission. Required for SSID, BSSID, AvailableSSIDs methods.
Event indicating that Available SSIDs (Service Set Identifiers) have been scanned.A list of the available SSIDs is provided in parameter availableSSIDs. The SSID having the best signal is provided in parameter bestSSID. A list of the corresponding RSSIs is provided in parameter correspondingRSSI. A list of corresponding BSSIs is provided in parameter correspondingBSSIs.Thank you Tal for being the sponsor of the correspondingRSSI and correspondingBSSI functionality.
Event indicating that network is available. Available starting from Android 10.
Event indicating that error occurred.
Version 16 tested successfully on Samsung Galaxy A54 running Android 13.
Q1: I used Taifun Wifi Extension to search & connect to Available wifi network. But my problem rise when I connect using SSID & PASSWORD,
the connection never succeeds. But if I set My access point to open network & I remove password from connect extension, the connection establish
but only for few seconds & my phone connecting to another configured wifi network. My phone use android 8 api 26.A: Problem solved. The SSID NAME in my case it must be between 6 to 11 character, the SSID NAME must be start with Character (do not use number for first character), the Password must at least 9 character . Now connection are made successfully. Thank you pjack2021.Q2: After successfully connecting, when I go to the Android wifi settings. I click on my wifi (to see the information) and there is nothing. IP address, subnet mask, etc. but the connection to the wifi network is successful.A: Yes, this is the correct behavior for devices starting from Android 10. See also the explanation from Google here: Network request API: targets apps that need to connect to a peer device, such as when configuring an IoT device or transferring files to a camera. In such cases, the peer device starts up a SoftAP and the API allows the app to guide the user to connect to the device. The resulting network is not intended to provide internet access, can’t be used by the system, and can’t be used by any app except the configuring app. User selection and approval is required the first time a connection is made to a new peer. Intended for IoT configuration apps and IoT file transfer apps..
The test app is available in Google Play. You can test the example following these steps
You can buy this extension (aix file).With your payment you accept the terms and conditions below.Payment options
1. Please transfer 12 USD via Paypalto Pura Vida Apps
After having received your payment I will be happy to send the download link to you. Please let me know your Google account!
I usually will send the download link not later than 24 hours after having received your payment.Thank you! Taifun
I still provide the latest free version 15 of the extension here without support. There might be permission issues for some methods. Also the Connect method will not work anymore for newer devices.
It is recommended to use the paid version instead.Download TaifunWiFi extension (aix file) Version 15Download Wifi example project (aia file)Back to top of page …
A feature of AppInventor allows users to connect a device to a PC over Wi-Fi to test their apps. Below we explain in more detail how this process works.
To use the AppInventor connection over Wi-Fi, a user must download the MIT AI2 Companion App via the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, and install it directly to your phone.
The MIT AI2 Companion allows users to make a connection between an Android or iOS device and a PC over the MIT RendezVous Server.
The phone or table must be using Wi-Fi and not the cell network for Internet connectivity.
1. Your PC checks in with a 6-character code generated by the MIT AI2 Companion
2. MIT RendezVous Server records the IP address of your PC
3. Your device checks in with a 6-character code
4. MIT RendezVous Server records the IP address of your phone
5. MIT RendezVous Server tells the device and computer with the matching 6-character code the other’s IP address
6. Device and computer communicate directly using IP
Ideally our network situation should look like this:
Try the following steps to troubleshoot your wireless connection:
1. Try to reach from your PC
2. Try to reach from your device
3. If the steps above both work, try using the “ping” command to ping to the IP Address of the phone (displayed by the MIT AI2 Companion in its startup window). If you are using windows, type “ping” + *IP address of the phone* in cmd.exe window, if you are using mac or linux, type type “ping” + *IP address of the phone* in terminal window. Detailed instruction see
4. If all of these steps succeed and Wireless App Inventor still doesn’t work, then there may be a firewall between the computer and phone that is blocking ports 8001 and 9987. If you have a “telnet” program you can attempt to telnet from the computer to the phone on these ports. If the connection won’t complete, then there is likely a firewall in place that is blocking connections to the phone
If you do not pass step 4, your network most likely looks like this.
Many networks have firewalls set up that block connections to the phone. A way to get around this is to use your own or a local computer as a Wi-Fi router and have all computers and devices using App Inventor connect to the network using the new router. For detailed instruction setting up a computer as a router, see
Check that your device is connected to Wi-Fi and not the cell network. On some devices and in some locations, even with Wi-Fi enabled, the phone continues to use the cell network. If this is happening to you, you can disable mobile networking (cell phone carrier based Internet connectivity) from your device’s settings menu.
Open the Google Play store or Apple App store on your phone or tablet, or use the buttons below to open the corresponding page:
After downloading, step through the instructions to install the Companion app on your device. You need to install the MIT App Inventor Companion app only once, and then you can leave it on your phone or tablet for whenever you use App Inventor. Note: There are some differences between the Android and iOS versions. Please review this page for more details.
Alternatively, you can scan the following QR codes to get either the iOS or Android app:
For iOS, scan this code to go to the Companion app on the Apple App Store.
For Android, scan this code to download the Android .APK file for the Companion app directly to your device. (Using an .APK file requires sideloading the app on your device and updating the app manually in the future.)
App Inventor will automatically show you the app you are building, but only if your computer (running App Inventor) and your device (running the Companion) are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. See a more detailed explanation of this here.
Go to App Inventor and open a project (or create a new one — use Project > Start New Project and give your project a name).
Then Choose “Connect” and “AI Companion” from the top menu in your browser:
A dialog with a QR code will appear on your PC screen. On your device, launch the MIT App Companion app just as you would do any app. Then click the “Scan QR code” button on the Companion, and scan the code in the App Inventor window:
Within a few seconds, you should see the app you are building on your device. It will update as you make changes to your design and blocks, a feature called “live testing.”
If you have trouble scanning the QR code or your device does not have a scanner, type the code shown on the computer into the Companion’s text area on your device exactly as shown. The code is directly below where the screen on your PC shows “Your code is” and consists of six characters. Type the six characters and choose the orange “Connect with code.” Do not type an Enter or carriage return: type just the six characters followed by pressing the orange button.
If your app does not appear on your device, the most likely problems are:
Is there a way in MIT App Inventor to check if the WIFI connection has changed (what I mean by that is if it has changed from WIFI 1 to WIFI 2 but NOT to check if the WIFI is on or off)
Thanks to anyone who would like to help me!
Is there a way in MIT App Inventor to check if the WIFI connection has changed (what I mean by that is if it has changed from WIFI 1 to WIFI 2 but NOT to check if the WIFI is on or off)
Thanks to anyone who would like to help me!
Use the extension:
Thanks for the reply but how do I use the extension?I have it downloaded and added into my project.Can you teach me how to use it?
Like for you to show me blocks that are functioning.
Did you read the page you were referred to ?
All blocks are shown and described in some detail
Yes, I did. I even downloaded the aia file but I don’t get how that works.
get the current SSID and store it in a global variableuse a clock component and check regularly if the current SSID is still the same as the stored ssidif not, it has changed
A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor’s Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook … the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book ‘teaches’ users how to program with AI2 blocks.There is a free programming course here and the aia files for the projects in the book are here: to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: .
Also do the tutorials to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
I was thinking to do the same but I really didn’t do it because I didn’t know what the SSID is. Thanks.
protip: read the documentation App Inventor Extensions: WiFi | Pura Vida Apps
Get current WiFi SSID (Service Set Identifier).
and use Google: what is SSID – Google Search
SSID stands for Service Set IDentifier and is your network’s name. If you open the list of Wi-Fi networks on your laptop or phone, you’ll see a list of SSIDs .
And how do I get the stored SSID?is it by using this block?
Because what I want to do is if it has changed the WIFI connection, it would appendValueToList saying “reconnecting” or something, so that the connection won’t be lost.
So, with that block can I store the connection it currently has and when it has changed I can compare it and appenedValueToList?
you stored it previously yourself in a global variable or TinyDBTaifun
Open the Google Play store or Apple App store on your phone or tablet, or use the buttons below to open the corresponding page:
After downloading, step through the instructions to install the Companion app on your device. You need to install the MIT App Inventor Companion app only once, and then you can leave it on your phone or tablet for whenever you use App Inventor. Note: There are some differences between the Android and iOS versions. Please review this page for more details.
Alternatively, you can scan the following QR codes to get either the iOS or Android app:
For iOS, scan this code to go to the Companion app on the Apple App Store.
For Android, scan this code to download the Android .APK file for the Companion app directly to your device. (Using an .APK file requires sideloading the app on your device and updating the app manually in the future.)
App Inventor will automatically show you the app you are building, but only if your computer (running App Inventor) and your device (running the Companion) are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. See a more detailed explanation of this here.
Go to App Inventor and open a project (or create a new one — use Project > Start New Project and give your project a name).
Then Choose “Connect” and “AI Companion” from the top menu in your browser:
A dialog with a QR code will appear on your PC screen. On your device, launch the MIT App Companion app just as you would do any app. Then click the “Scan QR code” button on the Companion, and scan the code in the App Inventor window:
Within a few seconds, you should see the app you are building on your device. It will update as you make changes to your design and blocks, a feature called “live testing.”
If you have trouble scanning the QR code or your device does not have a scanner, type the code shown on the computer into the Companion’s text area on your device exactly as shown. The code is directly below where the screen on your PC shows “Your code is” and consists of six characters. Type the six characters and choose the orange “Connect with code.” Do not type an Enter or carriage return: type just the six characters followed by pressing the orange button.
If your app does not appear on your device, the most likely problems are:
App Inventor Classic • App Inventor Classic • FOR APP INVENTOR 2 CLICK HERE• App Inventor Classic • App Inventor Classic
App Inventor lets you develop applications for Android phones using a web browser and either a connected phone or emulator. The App Inventor servers store your work and help you keep track of your projects.
You build apps by working with:
Your app appears on the phone step-by-step as you add pieces to it, so you can test your work as you build. When you’re done, you can package your app and produce a stand-alone application to install.
If you don’t have an Android phone, you can build your apps using the Android emulator, software that runs on your computer and behaves just like the phone.
The App Inventor development environment is supported for Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and Windows operating systems, and several popular Android phone models. Applications created with App Inventor can be installed on any Android phone. (See system requirements.)
Before you can use App Inventor, you need to set up your computer and install the App Inventor Setup package on your computer.
hello, I have my application that works well, it connects to wifi, no problem (both my box and APPointesp8266). I’m looking to make a screen where all the possible connections are displayed, then choose and enter the password.I looked on the site in other sites, I found nothing is it possible? (as in Bleutooth where we are looking for devices)Thanks for reading
hello, I have my application that works well, it connects to wifi, no problem (both my box and APPointesp8266). I’m looking to make a screen where all the possible connections are displayed, then choose and enter the password.
you might want to try the wifi extension also the extensions directory here
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Hello, I studied the code it works, the application connect. When I connect to Access point on the esp8266, the connection comes back to that of origne, “message no internet access” which is normal. How to do?thank you.
sorry, I do not understand… you might want to elaborate…Taifun
sorry it’s my phone who does this, as the connection does not have internet access, it changes network, without notifying me.on the other hand when I am in development, I have get SSID,when I make built apk impossible, it asks me for the authorization that the apk uses wifi, I answer yes ?. It connects well.
Hello,I’m still looking for a solution for my SSID problem.When I am in development I have the SSID of the network connected to my telephone companion.when I build the application and then launch it, I cannot have the network SSID connected.I forgot something?thank you
Hello again,
I have now moved on to some wifi identification and am using your wifi manager ext
In particular .AvailableSSIDs which is working great! However it has a delay from calling to listing SSID’s of about (3 seconds).
Is there any way of reducing that time delay? If so, ill be happy to sponsor of course.
scanning takes its time… the only thing to make this faster is to use a faster device…
however what I could implement is to add a Progress event, which could provide each new found SSID immediately similar to the Progress event in the packagemanager extension
EDIT: sorry, I promised too much…the scanning first must be executed, then the complete result is given back, it seems to be there is not possibility to get a progress meanwhile scanning…
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Hello @Taifun , I just Try your AvailableSSID.aia with the wifi extension on it, and worked well.but I unable to parsing SSID that I want by giving the event “When GotAvailableSSIDs ” do text comparelike picture bellow
The result it always false “Access point unavailable” , even I know my access point exist.
It test with of AvailableSSIDs the result is False it mean The Result Value of availableSSIDs not strings or mybe integer is this correct?
how to get ride of my problem , to extract SSID that I Want in availableSSIDs
Ok I resolved my problem
great… and next time please ask in the community of the builder you are usingthank you
Hi, I need help please. I am very old and have a bad mind. No kidding, I have terrible trouble with this. A few years ago I managed to make a simple app for my phone to control a dog door. It uses a ESP8266 through a router from a smart phone. I cannot figure out how I did this and after 5 hours of looking on the internet for explanations of how to do it again I have no clue. I had to change routers and not my phone says it cannot connect to the address.Thanks, Tom
Hi, I need help please. I am very old and have a bad mind. No kidding, I have terrible trouble with this. A few years ago I managed to make a simple app for my phone to control a dog door. It uses a ESP8266 through a router from a smart phone. I cannot figure out how I did this and after 5 hours of looking on the internet for explanations of how to do it again I have no clue. I had to change routers and not my phone says it cannot connect to the address.
Here an example:
Yes I know that and the box web1 has the URL but my new router does not know what to do and I cannot find out how to do it!!Thanks, Tom
Possibly your new router has a different IP address Tom. We do not know.
How to find your router IP address on Windows
- Click View network status and tasks under Network and Internet;
- Click on your Wi-Fi name, which you should see next to Connections;
- A new window will pop up. …
- You should see your public IP address under IPv4 Default Gateway.
- Or you can use the Command Prompt: …
- Type ipconfig;
If you share the aia or Blocks from your app that used to work, someone might be able to provide specific advice.
Thanks all, router had to be set as access point and static IP, still there should be somewhere simple instructions for using app on phone to control wifi devices like ESP8266Best, Tom
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