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Home » Arduino Multiple Lcd I2C | I2C Scanner To Find The Lcd Address

Arduino Multiple Lcd I2C | I2C Scanner To Find The Lcd Address

How to connect multiple LCD displays to one Arduino

Giới thiệu LCD 16×2

Thông số kỹ thuật LCD 16×2

LCD 16×2 được sử dụng để hiển thị trạng thái hoặc các thông số.

  • LCD 16×2 có 16 chân trong đó 8 chân dữ liệu (D0 – D7) và 3 chân điều khiển (RS, RW, EN).
  • 5 chân còn lại dùng để cấp nguồn và đèn nền cho LCD 16×2.
  • Các chân điều khiển giúp ta dễ dàng cấu hình LCD ở chế độ lệnh hoặc chế độ dữ liệu.
  • Chúng còn giúp ta cấu hình ở chế độ đọc hoặc ghi.

LCD 16×2 có thể sử dụng ở chế độ 4 bit hoặc 8 bit tùy theo ứng dụng ta đang làm.

Giao tiếp I2C LCD Arduino

Module I2C LCD 16×2 Arduino UNO

Sơ đồ đấu nối

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Tên linh kiện Số lượng Shopee
Arduino UNO R3 Mua ngay
Dây cáp nạp Mua ngay
Màn hình LCD 16×2 Mua ngay
Module I2C LCD 16×2 Mua ngay
Dây cắm (Đực – Cái) Mua ngay

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How to connect multiple LCD displays to one Arduino
How to connect multiple LCD displays to one Arduino

I2C Scanner to Find the LCD address

// ————————————– // i2c_scanner // // Version 1 // This program (or code that looks like it) // can be found in many places. // For example on the forum. // The original author is not know. // Version 2, Juni 2012, Using Arduino 1.0.1 // Adapted to be as simple as possible by user Krodal // Version 3, Feb 26 2013 // V3 by louarnold // Version 4, March 3, 2013, Using Arduino 1.0.3 // by user Krodal. // Changes by louarnold removed. // Scanning addresses changed from 0…127 to 1…119, // according to the i2c scanner by Nick Gammon // // Version 5, March 28, 2013 // As version 4, but address scans now to 127. // A sensor seems to use address 120. // Version 6, November 27, 2015. // Added waiting for the Leonardo serial communication. // // // This sketch tests the standard 7-bit addresses // Devices with higher bit address might not be seen properly. // #include

void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); // Leonardo: wait for serial monitor Serial.println(“\nI2C Scanner”); } void loop() { byte error, address; int nDevices; Serial.println(“Scanning…”); nDevices = 0; for(address = 1; address < 127; address++ ) { // The i2c_scanner uses the return value of // the Write.endTransmisstion to see if // a device did acknowledge to the address. Wire.beginTransmission(address); error = Wire.endTransmission(); if (error == 0) { Serial.print(“I2C device found at address 0x”); if (address<16) Serial.print(“0″); Serial.print(address,HEX); Serial.println(” !”); nDevices++; } else if (error==4) { Serial.print(“Unknown error at address 0x”); if (address<16) Serial.print(“0”); Serial.println(address,HEX); } } if (nDevices == 0) Serial.println(“No I2C devices found\n”); else Serial.println(“done\n”); delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds for next scan }

Module I2C Arduino

LCD có quá nhiều nhiều chân gây khó khăn trong quá trình đấu nối và chiếm dụng nhiều chân trên vi điều khiển.

Module I2C LCD ra đời và giải quyết vấn để này cho bạn.

Thay vì phải mất 6 chân vi điều khiển để kết nối với LCD 16×2 (RS, EN, D7, D6, D5 và D4) thì module IC2 bạn chỉ cần tốn 2 chân (SCL, SDA) để kết nối.

Module I2C hỗ trợ các loại LCD sử dụng driver HD44780(LCD 16×2, LCD 20×4, …) và tương thích với hầu hết các vi điều khiển hiện nay.

Ưu điểm

  • Tiết kiệm chân cho vi điều khiển.
  • Dễ dàng kết nối với LCD.

Thông số kĩ thuật

  • Điện áp hoạt động: 2.5-6V DC.
  • Hỗ trợ màn hình: LCD1602,1604,2004 (driver HD44780).
  • Giao tiếp: I2C.
  • Địa chỉ mặc định: 0X27 (có thể điều chỉnh bằng ngắn mạch chân A0/A1/A2).
  • Tích hợp Jump chốt để cung cấp đèn cho LCD hoặc ngắt.
  • Tích hợp biến trở xoay điều chỉnh độ tương phản cho LCD.

Để sử dụng màn hình LCD giao tiếp I2C sử dụng Arduino thì ta cần cài đặt thư viện Liquidcrystal_I2C. Tại đây

@How to connect multiple LCD 16X2 display using Arduino UNO and I2C interface adapter ?
@How to connect multiple LCD 16X2 display using Arduino UNO and I2C interface adapter ?

Các lỗi thường gặp khi sử dụng I2C LCD

  • Hiển thị một dãy ô vuông.
  • Màn hình chỉ in ra một ký tự đầu.
  • Màn hình nhấp nháy.

Các lỗi này chủ yếu là do sai địa chỉ bus, để fix lỗi các bạn thay địa chỉ mặc định là “0x27” thành “0x3F.

Trong trường hợp vẫn không được các bạn fix lỗi bằng cách nạp code tìm địa chỉ bus của I2C.

Sau khi tìm xong các bạn thay địa chỉ vừa tìm được vào vị trí “0x27” là xong.

  • Các bạn có thể tải code tìm địa chỉ bus ở đây. Tải ngay.

The Code For Multiple LCDs with single Arduino


#include LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display LiquidCrystal_I2C lcdsmall(0x26, 20, 4); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display void setup() { lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd\ // Print a message to the LCD. lcd.backlight(); lcdsmall.init(); // initialize the lcd\ // Print a message to the LCD. lcdsmall.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(“Hello”); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(“How are you?”); lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print(“Happy Coding!!”); lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print(“From”); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(“Hello small”); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(“I’m small hehe”); lcd.setCursor(0, 2); } void loop() { }

In my case, my first LCD address is 0x27 and the second is 0x26. You should change according to your addresses.

Upload the code and now you should be able to see the two LCD working as we want.

I am unable to get multiple I2C displays working. I am using the LCDi2cNHD.h library. When I try 2 LCD’s, everything displays on the second LCD. Here is a simple code. I know the I2C addresses are correct, because if I test each one individually they work correctly. Any help? Thanks

#define VERSION "1.1" #include



LCDi2cNHD lcd = LCDi2cNHD(2,16,0x50>>1,0); LCDi2cNHD lcd2 = LCDi2cNHD(2,16,0x4C>>1,0); uint8_t rows = 2; uint8_t cols = 16; void setup() { lcd.init(); lcd2.init(); } void loop() { lcd.print("Hello World!"); lcd2.print("Hello World2!"); }

Other Arduino Codes and Videos by Robojax

دروس آردوینو به فارسی

This is the Arduino showing you how to connect and and use two more LCD1602-I2C modules to display data.

Custom function “floatToStr()” has been written to make is easy to display float values such as 2.76V or 1.872 kg. Also “lcdDisplay()” makes it easy to print information on any line of the LCD1602-I2C modules.

Wiring diagram of connecting two LCD1602-I2C modules

/* * Arduino code for use two or more LCD1602 with I2C with Arduino * Custom function to display float (like 2.45), integer (like 2 or 8) and string * very easily * this Arduino sketch makes it possible to use two display at the set time * * Watch video instruction for this code: * * * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for on Saturday November 17, 2018 * at 20:45 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada * * This code is "AS IS" without warranty or liability. Free to be used as long as you keep this note intact.* * This code has been download from This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include

// this is part of arduino #include LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd1(0x3F, 16, 2);// display 1 LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd2(0x26, 16, 2);// display 2 // number settings const int decimals = 2;// number of decimal places needed to be displayed const int positions = 5;// total position of numbers including the decimal places void setup() { // initialize the LCD lcd1.begin();//initialize LCD1 lcd2.begin();//initialize LCD2 lcd1.backlight();// turn the backlight ON for the LCD1 lcd2.backlight();// turn the backlight ON for the LCD2 Serial.begin(9600);// initialize serial monitor with 9600 baud lcd1.print("Robojax Display"); lcd1.setCursor(0,1); lcd1.print("Display 1"); lcd2.print("Robojax Display"); lcd2.setCursor(0,1); lcd2.print("Display 2"); Serial.println("Robojax Displays"); Serial.println("2 or More"); delay(3000);// change this line if you want not to wait lcd1.clear();// clearn screen 1 lcd2.clear();// clearn screen 2 } void loop() { // multiple LCD1602 I2C display int age = 31; int days= age * 365; float weight = 4.84; float voltage = 22.1; lcdDisplay(1, 0, "Age: ", intToStr(age), " years"); // print "Age: 31 years" to line 1 of display 1 lcdDisplay(1, 1, "Days: ", intToStr(days), " days");// print "Days: 11351 days" to line 2 of display 1 lcdDisplay(2, 0, "Weight: ", floatToStr(weight), " kg");//print "Weight: 2.84 kg" t line 1 of display 2 lcdDisplay(2, 1, "Voltage: ", floatToStr(voltage), "V");// print "Voltage 22.10V" to line 2 of display 2 Serial.println("Age: ");Serial.print(age); Serial.print(" years"); Serial.println("Days: ");Serial.print(days); Serial.print(" days"); Serial.println("===="); delay(50); // wait for 200 milliseconds }// loop end /* * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri on Nov 17, 2018 for * lcdDisplay(int dis, int rowNum, String titleText, String valueText, String value2Text) for example to display * dis is display number * rowNum is row number (0) * title is the text (Voltage:) * valueText is the value * value2Text is the appended to the valueText like (A, V etc) * * @brief prints text on the screen on specific row and character * @param tc=text character number, trc=text row number, * @return the remaining time as integet second * */ void lcdDisplay(int dis, int rowNum, String titleText, String valueText, String value2Text) { clearRow(dis,rowNum); String myStr; myStr = String(valueText); int titleTextLength = titleText.length(); // multiple LCD1602 I2C display if(dis ==1) { lcd1.setCursor (0,rowNum); // lcd1.print(titleText); lcd1.setCursor (titleTextLength,rowNum); // lcd1.print(myStr); lcd1.setCursor (myStr.length()+titleTextLength,rowNum); // lcd1.print(value2Text); } if(dis ==2) { lcd2.setCursor (0,rowNum); // lcd2.print(titleText); lcd2.setCursor (titleTextLength,rowNum); // lcd2.print(myStr); lcd2.setCursor (myStr.length()+titleTextLength,rowNum); // lcd2.print(value2Text); } } /* * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri on Nov 17, 2018 for * @brief clears only one row of specific display * @param d, the display number integer * @param r, the row number integer * @return no return value */ void clearRow(int d,int r) { // for(int i=0; i<16; i++) { if(d ==1) { lcd1.setCursor (i,r); // lcd1.print(" "); } if(d ==2) { lcd2.setCursor (i,r); // lcd2.print(" "); } } }//clearRow end /* * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri on Nov 18, 2018 for * @brief converts integer to string * @param a, the integer wanted to convert * @return the converted value as string */ String intToStr(int a) { return String(a); }//intToStr end /* * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri on Nov 18, 2018 for * @brief converts float to string * @param a, the float wanted to convert * @return the converted value as string */ String floatToStr(float a) { char buff[6]; // create a buffer of 6 character dtostrf(a, positions, decimals, buff );// 5 positions and 2 decimal places return buff;// return the buffer }//floatToStr end

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Tổng quan LCD 16×2 và giao tiếp I2C LCD sử dụng Arduino

How to use multiple LCD1602 I2C or LCD2004 display with Arduino
How to use multiple LCD1602 I2C or LCD2004 display with Arduino

Lời kết

Qua bài hôm nay các bạn biết cách làm thế nào để hiển thị các ký tự và chuỗi ký tự lên LCD 16×2 và biết cách giao tiếp I2C.

Để nhận được nhiều kiến thức mới các bạn Đăng ký để nhận được thông báo sớm nhất.

Tham gia Cộng đồng Arduino KIT để cùng nhau thảo luận và chia sẽ kiến thức về lập trình Arduino.

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Trân trọng.

    • Tổng tiền thanh toán:
Code test cơ bản


void loop()

Code Đếm số 0 đến 9 LCD 16×2 I2C


void loop()

Code test cơ bản


void loop()

Code Đếm số 0 đến 9 LCD 16×2 I2C


void loop()

The Code For I2C LCD backpack

After uploading the sketch you should now see the address for the LCD. For me it’s 0x27. So I put the address and the size of LCD at the sketch. You can always watch the video for the detail. Upload the code and now your LCD should works.


#include LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display void setup() { lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd\ // Print a message to the LCD. lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(“Hello”); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(“From”); } void loop() { }

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

Change the above line match to your address and LCD size

How to use I2C LCD with Arduino and how to use multiple LCDs with one Arduino
How to use I2C LCD with Arduino and how to use multiple LCDs with one Arduino

Code mẫu


#include LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F,16,2); void setup() { lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(2,0); lcd.print(“”); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(“Xin chao cac ban”); } void loop() { }

Giải thích code

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F,16,2);

  • Đặt địa chỉ LCD là 0x3F cho màn hình LCD 16×2.
  • 16 là số cột của màn hình (nếu dùng loại màn hình 20×4) thì thay bằng 20.
  • 2 là số dòng của màn hình (nếu dùng loại màn hình 20×4) thì thay bằng 4.


Khởi động màn hình LCD, bắt đầu cho phép Arduino sử dụng màn hình.


Bật đèn nền LCD 16×2.


Đưa con trỏ tới hàng 1, cột 3.

Lưu ý: giá trị hàng và cột bắt đầu từ số 0 có nghĩa 0 là hàng(cột) 1.


Xuất ra dòng chữ tại vị trí con trỏ ở hàng 1, cột 3.

lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(“Xin chao cac ban”);

Đoạn code này thì tương tự như trên, xuất ra dòng chữ “Xin chao cac ban” tại vị trí con trỏ ở hàng 2, cột 1.

Bây giờ thì các bạn upload chương trình và xem kết quả nhé.

How to Connect Multiple LCD to Arduino: Regular & I2C

In this post we are going to learn how to connect multiple 16×2 LCD display to Arduino using regular method where we connect lots of wires and also using I2C adapter where we connect just 4 wires.

We will see:

  • How to connect multiple LCDs to Arduino using regular method.
  • Circuit diagram.
  • Example code.
  • How to connect multiple LCDs to Arduino using I2C adapter.
  • How to change address of I2C adapter module.
  • Example code for multiple I2C displays.

You are here because your project uses two or more 16×2 / 16×4 LCD displays to showcase different readings / information etc. and you are scratching your head how to accomplish this, if so you landed on the right place. First let’s see how connect multiple LCDs using regular method where we connect a tons of wires to LCD.

How to Connect Multiple LCDs WITHOUT I2C – Regular method:

Circuit diagram:

As an example we are going to connect two 16×2 LCD displays and these two LCDs operate independently. Connecting multiple LCDs to Arduino are easier than you might think.

The pins: Vcc, GND, Vo, RS, R/W, D4, D5, D6 and D7 are connected in parallel with second LCD. The only pin that must connect independently is EN – enable pin, EN pin helps Arduino to pass data on the intended LCD.

A single 10K potentiometer is used for adjusting contrast of multiple LCDs simultaneously; this is achieved by connecting all the Vo (contrast adj.) pins of all LCDs in parallel with the potentiometer.

How many LCDs Can I connect to Arduino?

The limit for number of LCD depends on how many spare GPIO pins left for EN pins after connecting all other peripherals like sensors, buttons etc. If your Arduino have 5 spare GPIO pins left, you can connect 5 LCDs. If your Arduino Mega left with 20 spare GPIO pins for EN you can connect 20 LCDs which can operate independently.

Now let’s see how to code for multiple LCDs for Arduino.

Example Code:

// —— ©Electronics Project Hub ——-// #include const int en1 = 10; const int en2 = 11; LiquidCrystal lcd1(12, en1, 5, 4, 3, 2); LiquidCrystal lcd2(12, en2, 5, 4, 3, 2); void setup() { lcd1.begin(16, 2); lcd2.begin(16, 2); lcd1.print(“hello, world!”); lcd1.setCursor(0, 1); lcd1.print(“Display 1”); lcd2.print(“hello, world!”); lcd2.setCursor(0, 1); lcd2.print(“Display 2”); } void loop() { } // —— ©Electronics Project Hub ——-//

The above code is just an example how to use two LCDs which can operate independently, you need to add your project’s main functions and if you wish you can also add more LCDs.


How to connect multiple LCD to Arduino using I2C display adapter:

At this point I no need to explain what is I2C LCD adapter module because you already know how to use one and you are here to explore how to use two or more independently and simultaneously.

The problem arises when there is need for a second display and if we wire-up a second display with SCL and SDA bus, we will end up duplicating the display and don’t operate independently.

This is because two of the I2C modules have identical addresses, if you want to operate them independently we need to change address of any one of the two I2C adapter’s address.

How to Change Address of I2C Adapter module?

Fortunately, we can easily change the address of I2C display modules; this is accomplished by bridging two contact points provided on the I2C module with solder.

Here A0, A1 and A2 has nothing to do with analog inputs or outputs, here A stands for address, you can find contact points on several other I2C modules and sensor which has the capability to change address.

By default the address of this module without any bridged contact is “0x27”. By bridging any one or any two or all three will result in change in address.

  • By bridging the contacts A0, A1 and A2 individually you will get 3 sets of address.
  • By bridging any two contacts at a time: A0 and A1 or A0 and A2 or A1 and A2 will generate another set of 3 addresses.
  • By bridging all three contacts will generate one new address and without bridging any contact will generate one address which is default “0x27”.

Now that’s total of 8 different addresses.

Here I bridged A1 and A2; this gave me an address “0x21”. All I need to do is just insert the address in the program code.

How you should NOT bridge the contact:

The A0 or A1 or A2 should not touch each other.

Circuit diagram:

  • The LCD 1’s address is default “0x27”.
  • The LCD 2’s I2C address is “0x21” by bridging A1 and A2.

The circuit is self-explanatory; just connect all the I2C wires in parallel.

Download I2C library here: github link

I am using the above mentioned library, but you can use any other library.

Example code:

// ——- ©Electronics Project Hub ———–// #include

#include LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd1(0x27, 16, 2); // << Address 1 LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd2(0x21, 16, 2); // << Address 2 void setup() { lcd1.init(); lcd2.init(); lcd1.backlight(); lcd2.backlight(); lcd1.setCursor(0, 0); lcd1.print(“Hello World”); lcd1.setCursor(0, 1); lcd1.print(“Display 1”); lcd2.setCursor(0, 0); lcd2.print(“Hello World”); lcd2.setCursor(0, 1); lcd2.print(“Display 2”); } void loop() { } // ——- ©Electronics Project Hub ———–//


How to find the address of my I2C adapter?

Now we know that by bridging the given contacts we will get different addresses, but how to know the current address of your I2C adapter? Well, we have made a program which should to be uploaded to Arduino with an I2C module attached on Arduino’s I2C bus and powered ON.

The code will show you the address and the number of connected I2C devices on serial monitor.

Program code I2C scanner:

// —- ©Electronics Project Hub——– // #include

void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); Serial.println(“———————–“); Serial.println(“I2C Device Scanner”); Serial.println(“———————–“); byte error; byte address; int Devices; Serial.println(“Scanning…”); delay(1000); Serial.println(“——————————–“); Devices = 0; for (address = 1; address < 127; address++ ) { Wire.beginTransmission(address); error = Wire.endTransmission(); if (error == 0) { Serial.print(“I2C device found at address 0x”); if (address < 16) { Serial.print(“0″); } Serial.print(address, HEX); Serial.println(” !”); Devices++; } else if (error == 4) { Serial.print(“Unknown error at address 0x”); if (address < 16) Serial.print(“0”); Serial.println(address, HEX); } } if (Devices == 0) { Serial.println(“No I2C devices found\n”); } else { Serial.println(“————– Done!!! ————-“); } } void loop() { } // —-© Electronics Project Hub——– //

Address of I2C devices:

You can insert the address shown in your main project code.

How many I2C display can I connect?

You can connect 8 LCDs (max) using I2C adapter. I2C bus can support up to 127 devices but we can only change address from 0x27 to 0x20 – 8 addresses. Rest of the address are reserved for other I2C sensors and peripherals.

Now you know how to interface multiple LCDs on Arduino using conventional and I2C method.

If you have any questions regarding this tutorial, feel free to ask us in the comment. You will get a guaranteed reply from us.

Connecting LCD with Arduino used to be complicated enough since it has many wires. And we also need to use a potentiometer to dim the LCD.

But now there is an i2c LCD backpack on the market that really helps us overcome this issue.

If you already have the LCD and I2C backpack, just solder on the right position like video below.

Then just wire LCD and arduino this way.

VCC -> 5VGND -> GNDSDA -> A4SCL -> A5

If wiring is done, now you should upload to your arduino I2C scanner to detect the address of your I2C LCD. Here’s the sketch.


Use Multiple LCD with one arduino

Now if you want to connect more than one LCD with only a single arduino. You can just connect the second LCD the same way at the same pins. But the key is you should has a different address for every LCD. So since my LCDs have the same address. it’s 0x27. So I change the second LCD address, to do that I solder A0 in the back of the I2C LCD module. You can see the detail in the video.

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How To Use I2C Lcd Or Multiple I2C Lcd With Single Arduino
How To Connect Multiple Lcd To Arduino: Regular & I2C – Diy Electronics  Projects
How To Connect Multiple Lcd To Arduino: Regular & I2C – Diy Electronics Projects
How To Use I2C Lcd With Arduino And How To Use Multiple Lcds With One  Arduino - Youtube
How To Use I2C Lcd With Arduino And How To Use Multiple Lcds With One Arduino – Youtube
Giao Tiếp Lcd 16X2 I2C Với Arduino Uno | Điện Tử Dat
Giao Tiếp Lcd 16X2 I2C Với Arduino Uno | Điện Tử Dat
Multiple I2C Buses With An Arduino And Tca9548A Module
Multiple I2C Buses With An Arduino And Tca9548A Module
Tca9548A I2C Multiplexer: Esp32, Esp8266, Arduino | Random Nerd Tutorials
Tca9548A I2C Multiplexer: Esp32, Esp8266, Arduino | Random Nerd Tutorials
How To Use Multiple I2C Devices With Arduino
How To Use Multiple I2C Devices With Arduino
In-Depth: Interfacing An I2C Lcd With Arduino
In-Depth: Interfacing An I2C Lcd With Arduino
Interface I2C 16X2 Lcd With Arduino Uno (Just 4 Wires) - Hackster.Io
Interface I2C 16X2 Lcd With Arduino Uno (Just 4 Wires) – Hackster.Io
How I Can Use Two I2C Lcd In Arduino Mega - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum
How I Can Use Two I2C Lcd In Arduino Mega – Project Guidance – Arduino Forum
Hd44780 1602 Lcd Module Display Bundle With I2C Interface 2X16 Characters  (With Green Background) Compatible With Arduino And Raspberry Pi
Hd44780 1602 Lcd Module Display Bundle With I2C Interface 2X16 Characters (With Green Background) Compatible With Arduino And Raspberry Pi

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